10 Disturbing Facts About Global Warming

Ahead of Earth Day, here are 10 disturbing facts you may not have known about global warming.
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You need to spend only 9 minutes, to get the basic arguments! Don’t buy into the scam about man-made global warming, it’s a hoax, made up by “politicians” and BIG BUSINESS! It’s another example how easily large scale lies can be sold to the general public, who are brain-washed by the MSM! Resist BIG BROTHER, it’s time to wake up!!!
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39 thoughts on “10 Disturbing Facts About Global Warming”

  1. wow these people are stupid! if the last 2 decades were the warmest in 400 years due to climate change? What caused it to be hotter 400 years ago? think for yourself for a change people, this is nonsense!

  2. An eye opening video. Thanks for posting! Can you imagine moving to the mountains of southern Costa Rica and living in an Eco-village with thousands of fruit trees, edible landscapes, monkeys, toucans, water falls and great neighbors? We are looking for a few more good neighbors. Email me if you are interested lhencartagena(at)gmail.com P.S. many residents have used their IRA "Self Directed to purchase with no tax penalty. A great way to diversify!

  3. I do NOT deny global warming one bit- But I do deny that man is contributing. The Climate is warming obviously, but It is a natural cycle that has repeated itself for billions of years. Once, the antarctic was tropical rain-forest, and once glaciers covered half the earth. It is NATURAL people. (We are damaging the earth in other ways though)

  4. When it got to the part about hurricanes at1:07 i suddenly new this was total bullshit. There were twice as many hurricanes in the 1880's
    You should change the name of this video to  10 Disturbing Bullshit Ideas About Global Warming. Because it hasn't warmed since 1998 regardless of what the so called climate scientists have told us

  5. so your driving in a car at 100 mph with all your friends and the map shows a solid wall in front of you ….
    you go. " maybe I slow down"
    your rich friend next to you says " NO.. I'm late..speed up ..there's no wall there"
    green or blue pill. your choice

  6. The liberal hoax of climate change has devastated the seaside property values in Florida. What a great investment opportunity. Sell your trailer in your trailer park and put all your money into this property. You lucky ducks.

  7. This is what gets me: Science 101, taught in schools before the mid 70's…..Trees LIVE and THRIVE on CO2!!!! Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide is what keeps the TREES and many plants ALIVE!!! Only IDIOTS do not understand this fact of Science!!! In "1" Volcano blast "1" BLAST there is more CARBON released than anything man can do in many life times! And look what happens short years after this event of that area! Mt St. Helens a few years later is over grown abundantly!!!  Global Warming is a MONEY SCAM to RIP OFF the MASSES!!! This planet is millions if not billions of years old and it is a LIVING thing, anything that comes from the earth will return to the earth, and that is how God designed it!!! So men think they know so much "Hawkings and Bill Gates" but in reality they know little to nothing in comparison to the Almighty Who created all this!!!

  8. How can you believe anything Bill Gates says, knowing that he claims to have invented the DOS Operating System and Windows when he stole both of them by deception and subterfuge.

  9. Not one mention of sulfides , suppose they will find an excuse for global bleaching events too . Oh well, at least we have good cell phones !

  10. It doesn't matter what caused it. Who cares?The point is that we can only control our own behavior, and just because its not your fault doesnt absolve you of responsibility. it doesn't mean the earth won't kick us out in our lifetimes if we do nothing. Stop point g fingers and write your God fearing senator and ask him to please stop pretending he doesn't understand basic physics. Faith in God doest require deliberate ignorance. God helps those who help themselves, right?
    Look around, everyone without a grade school understanding of physics (anyone with basic physics education knows this is happening) There was a massive duststorm in the southwest, hurricanes have started landing on the east coast, not the south, there's an epidemic of wildfires out of season on the west, the places people run to when it floods are flooding. You get all of this watching 15 minutes of frkn TV news every day. Amd this is still just the stuff that provokes earthquakes and volcanoes. (As the air changes temp, and of course temp is density, the earth shifts) under the weight of the air. 14 lbs per square inch was it? The air is frkn HEAVY. What are you waiting for? The Yellowstone caldera to devour half the us? Wow fault will that be, frkn children?

    It's a fact that there's a ton of methane, a much more dangerous greenhouse gas than co2, in the polar and glacial ice that is (another fact) melting away. So while we bicker who's fault it is, as if it fxing matters, we're rapidly (in the next 30 years rapid. Woah, facts everywhere!) approaching a point where the melt becomes cyclical, the self destruction begins feeding itself, methane provokes melting releasing more methane, unstoppably, till it's far too late to do anything and we can't breathe our own air. It's entirely possible that the surface of the planet with be unlivable for us before today's teenagers are eligible for soc sec. OS possible that OTK happen inside 15 years, but it's generally agreed that's a little dire. But no one with scientific authority on the subject is willing to say it's IMPOSSIBLE, and that would be enough for any rational, sane adult to stop pretending they don't understand how to read a graph of changing often temperature over the last (insert ANY number here) years.
    Seriously? Pretending its okay because it's not his fault? What is this guy, 10 years old?

  11. Silly. CO2 levels appeared to go down after WWII because of increased usage of aerosols from industries and power plants. The aerosols offset the negative effects of CO2 but increased skin cancer, acid rain and smog. The Montreal Protocol reduced atmospheric pollutants and aerosols; as a result, the ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly recovering, but now there is no offset to the high levels of CO2. …Oh, but I suppose the ozone hole was a hoax, too?

  12. If you believe man-made climate change is not real, then you must also believe you know more than Stephen Hawking, who noted the greatest threat to America and to the world is human-caused climate change. "A rise in ocean temperature would melt the ice-caps, and cause a release of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the ocean floor. Both effects could make our climate like that of Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees." …But then, you'll probably just vote for Trump.



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