A new 9th planet for the solar system?

Observations of the orbits of six small objects have led researchers to propose a very large 9th planet–100s of astronomical units (AU) away from the sun. Far enough away that this Neptune-sized planet takes ~15,000 years to complete one orbit. Read more: http://scim.ag/1Ownvti
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First mirror image molecule spotted in interstellar space. Read more: http://scim.ag/1UsLb6i Read the paper: http://scim.ag/1YpPj8Q
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23 thoughts on “A new 9th planet for the solar system?”

  1. Isn't pluto the 9th planet of the solar system?
    and isn't planet X the one that's called planet Sedna?
    because it make the same huge elliptical orbit around the solar system.

  2. 1 thing I don't get is if planet X is real than wouldn't it not be a planet because they say pluto is not a planet because how it orbits around earth

  3. So wait 15,0000 years lemme do the math of how far away that is……………………………………… More then 84 billion miles…………………..You know what I can't do math but MORE THEN 84 BILLION MILES I SAID BILLION MILES!

  4. There have already been discovered chiral molecules in space, like sugars on the surfuce of asteroids and so kind of aminoacides. Interesting that chiral molecules also exist in the interestellar space, so far from us. I think that scientist discovered ethanol in the Orion Nebula, but ethanol is not a chiral compound.


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