Air Pollution – Causes & Effects, Air Quality Index, Educational Videos & Lessons for Children, Kids

Find out how to use the Air Pollution Index chart from Bixy! Tell the difference between fresh air and polluted air. Identify activities that relate to the levels of the Air Quality Index. Lesson includes practical exercises. Recommended for grade K.

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10 thoughts on “Air Pollution – Causes & Effects, Air Quality Index, Educational Videos & Lessons for Children, Kids”

  1. Too many people……….create too much pollution
    China made great progress in moving its people out of poverty…….one reason was slowing population growth…..
    If you can not provide for yourself you can not provide for a child.
    Climate Change, declining fish stocks, droughts, floods, air water and land pollution, poverty, water and food shortages all stem from the worlds worst environmental problem……. OVER POPULATION.
    Yet the world adds 80 million more mouths to feed, clothe, house and provide energy and water for every year… this is unsustainable…

  2. Pollution Kills 6,000,000 People a year. Yes it is true that Pollution Kills 6,000,000 People Each Year. The emissions from Gasoline Burning Cars produces 66 percent of the air Pollution  that kills 6,000,000 people a year. Yet, the Oil Billionaires, men like Jeb Bush, do not want the Pope to talk about Pollution and Climate Change.  Bernie Sanders for President.


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