Check out these animals about to go extinct! This top 10 list of endangered species has some of the most rare animals that exist in the world today!

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10. Ocean Quahog
The Ocean Quahog, or Arctica Islandica, is a large bivalve that grows up to ten centimeters tall. Large populations can

be found in the ocean waters around Iceland, but they live buried beneath the sea bed all across the Atlantic Ocean.

They hold the record for being the longest known living creatures on our planet, with one specimen that was caught in

2006 thought to be about 507 years old. This means it would have been born in 1499.
Despite their longevity, the Ocean Quahog has been put on the list of at-risk species of the North-East Atlantic Ocean

because numbers have been plummeting. This has happened due to extensive fishing to send to the USA for the manufacture

of clam chowder soup, increased pollution of the seas by plastic and chemical waste, and the destruction of their

habitats by deep sea dredge fishing.
9. The Vaquita
The Vaquita, a small species of porpoise, was only first discovered in 1958- but today finds itself as being the world’s

rarest marine mammal and on the brink of extinction. They are native to the Gulf of California off the coast of Mexico,

where large numbers used to gather, but numbers have severely fallen because of human activity in the area.
A study in 1997 estimated a population in the region of only 600, but this fell to 100 in a similar survey in 2014 and

most recently, in 2016, the total number is though to be around 30. That’s a population decline of over 92 percent since

1997, and means this glorious creature sadly doesn’t have much time left.
Unlike other animals that are facing extinction because of hunting, the loss of Vaquita’s is mainly as a by-product of

the fishing of an endangered fish called the Totoaba. This large, 300 pound fish is highly sought after for its swim

bladder that is popular in Chinese medicine and, as a result, commands a high price. The gillnets that are used to catch

the Totoaba also traps large numbers of Vaquita and has been the single most destructive factor towards Vaquita numbers.

Despite the Mexican governments attempts to limit the fishing of the Totoaba for this reason, even banning the use of

gillnets in 2015 for two years and setting up wildlife refuges, the porpoise has not been able to recover because there

are still lots of trawlers using the nets illegally.
8. Javan Rhinoceros
Rhinos are one of the more famous animals of the world that are endangered, but rather than the more well-known white

and black Rhinos from Africa, the most at-risk type of the five different species is the Javan Rhinoceros.
They used to be prevalent across south east Asia, but with the last Javan Rhino of Vietnam having been poached in 2010,

the only known remaining ones all live in the Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. They are very similar in

appearance to the closely related “Greater One-Horned Rhino” and are a dusky grey color with one horn that grows up to

about ten inches long. The loose folds of their skin make them look like they have armor plating, and they are thought

to live for between thirty and forty years.
With only around 60 of these Rhinos left in the wild, and none in captivity, their future survival depends on the

ability of park rangers to protect them from the threat of poachers- who hunt them for their valuable horns that are a

valuable commodity across the region for their supposed medicinal properties.
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More than 99% of all species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. However, the actions of humans are now driving extinction, faster than species can evolve.

From the extermely rare Saola, to the tragically hunted pangolin, AllTime10s brings you, ‪10 animals that may go extinct in the next 10 years.

10 Animals That Came Back From Extinction:

Music = Globalisation by Barrie Gledden / Kes Loy

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40 thoughts on “Animals ABOUT To Go EXTINCT!”

  1. Humans are the largest vermin on the planet. We destroy all we see. I am digusted by the stupidity and greed of my spiecies.

  2. Can yu say java lol right as I typed java u said it proper now just add an n and maybe you can say it right lol I love how you tubers get so many easy names wrong but then pronounce hard as fuck words but so far out of 20 videos I've only heard you mispronounced 3 words now including javen lol

  3. "Yeah all these things will die without us."

    But it's because of us, and a majority of us. So unless I see someone defending those anamals with a shotgun and stopping all trade to china, yeah shut up.

  4. This is so sad one of my favourite are going extinct but it is not on the list it is the polar bear they are dying from climate worming I'm only 11 but when ever i see a little bit of ice melt go fall down i start to cry and also all the other ice land animals are dying out to.

  5. I don't understand why people would still hunt and kill animals even after they are endangered, from what I saw in the video it's mostly China, Asia, and Vietnam… so sad

  6. Um stop killing poor animals ok think about this what if poor people that did nothing got killed a lot everyday oh no it's your own species basic animals like tigers and wait it said they killed black rhinos for FUN you want animals life to end who are these evil people high five to vegans

  7. the only reason y elephants kill alot of ppl is because we r ruining their home so they have no where else to live also they are trying to defend themselves, elephants are suppose to be set free not being caged and being used for their horns (they only take their trunks because u get money for selling them and loads of ppl use them for decorations, ikr, like whyyy), ppl r destroying the Earth's nature. They are actually lots of things we can do to help keep these animals alive, stop cutting trees like some schools use computer for homework and other school activities so other schools should start doing that to.

    (btw I'm going threw the comment section and literally ppl here are just so angry at Asian ppl right now, but yeah probs not all asians i know some parts of the place that are trying to keep them safe, ppl who can do something with this has to like plssss I love animals and adore them)

  8. I am not surprised that humans are the reason why these animals will become extinct because humans are also the reason why some of their own kind became extinct just like what happened to the Yahi native American Indian tribe and to the Tasmanian aboriginal people who's people are gone forever because of the genocide done to them by the white colonizers of their land. Just google it and you'll know what I am talking about.

  9. animals are meant to go extinct kill every one of them these are the only animals we need-
    tiger to (control population of deer)
    bear (same)
    poultry birds

    these are the only animals we need all others are just useless menace ……..

  10. it's funny seeing alot of snowflakes crying about hunting and saying it is inhumane and we should stop hunting etc come on people we hunted centuries ago and most hunters nowadays pay alot of money to conserve animals and i can say you that most hunters pay for conservation than any vegan or animal rights activist

  11. One comet should come and destroy a beast called human. We are so mean and selfish that we are destroying ourselves.


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