Easy Solar Food Dryer In Fifteen Minutes — For Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Other Foods

Easy Solar Food Dryer In Fifteen Minutes -- For Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Other Foods

If you can wrap a present, you can make this solar food dryer — in fifteen minutes or less. All you need is a pan, a cardboard box, aluminum foil and a little scotch tape. Point your solar dryer toward the sun and food drying will be enhanced by the sun warmed air.
More Food From Small Spaces pdf e-book only .99

Music and Video by http://michaelcasebass.com/
Video Rating: / 5

Solar dryer form Radha Energy Cell
Video Rating: / 5

11 thoughts on “Easy Solar Food Dryer In Fifteen Minutes — For Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Other Foods”

  1. if this a tutorial video
    you're bad.. because I can't hear you clearly..
    but if this just show case video.. is ok.

  2. Just a little tip for filming next time – go to the other side of the table and let the light fall on you and what you are doing. You are backlighted much of the time -turning it around will prevent this -thanks for the video 🙂

  3. Interesting… A long time ago I took four squares of 1/4 inch board two foot on a side… I then cut off ONE corner 10 inches long from each piece and tied them all together at the cut off corner to make a 4 sided dish reflector  that can be FOLDED UP when not in use 🙂  :)…
    see  lewishb  dot  biz   Lewis

  4. Do you need to have it in direct sunlight the whole time?  I have a northern facing balcony and the sun only is direct for maybe 6 hours?

  5. Hi, I would have lined the inner box completely and added a sturdier corners to be able to put on a light glass as a cover. Love the concept.


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