Global Warming Affects Crops, Food Supply

Global Warming Affects Crops, Food Supply

An international conference on world food security and climate change took place recently in Rome. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was there, along with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Experts say global warming is having an impact on the world’s food supply and may impact it even more in the future. VOA’s Carolyn Presutti explains.

This year could well become the warmest on record. And nowhere has felt the effects more than the Arctic. Our Science Editor Tom Clarke has been to Norway’s Svalbard islands in the high Arctic,
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21 thoughts on “Global Warming Affects Crops, Food Supply”

  1. This becaus the percentage of water vapor which produce between the (land)and the (seas and oceans) in the atmosphere , this let the difference in air pressures, and this caused the difference in the direction of the winds, which they called green house and some called (NINO)and then (LANINA)…Therefore because of these, occuring rains, snow, storms, and floods at times and unexpected places…Any abnormal phenomenon needs to balance…!!!!!!!! These studies was completed and sent in 26th Jul 2000…Yousif Ayoub Tobiya

  2. When you're fresh out of a Little Ice Age, of course you're going to get warming. Our current Modern Warm Period is COOLER than the Medieval Warm Period, and the Medieval was cooler than the Roman, and the Roman was cooler than the Minoan Warm Period. In other words, we've had a massive cooling trend, exacerbated by the Little Ice Age, that suggests the Holocene started to shut down 3,000 years ago. Hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen. We live in an Ice Age and the globalists who run most countries and their Corporate/government news outlets want to cool down the planet. If you think that's psychopathically nuts, you're right.

    Global Warming made civilization possible 12,000 years ago, and these idiots want to take away all this delicious, life-affirming warmth. Tsk, tsk.

  3. We are meant to be cooling, but we are warming. Thermometers do not lie you crazy fool.Co2 makes people stupid (obviously). Its the same as The romans thinking it was good to drink out of lead cups. We are breathing more Co2 than ever before. Think about it.

  4. When was this filmed? I wager this 'winter' (2016 – 2017) will be much colder due to the Grand Solar Minimum. but then you probably don't know about the grand Solar Minimum and the existing Ice Age in which we live – right now. AGW remains a fraud. AGW is not happening. Cooling is happening. AGW is about wealth redistribution and control of the sheeple. What will you be eating when the grocery stores are empty due to croplands freezing before harvest?

  5. The weather channel must thank were are stupid, in a recent video they stated the reason were going to have such a harsh winter is that most of the artic ice has melted,  Now this nonsensical video.

  6. We are already beyond the point of no return .If all the coal burning factories shut down today . global dimming would be reduced dramatically . thus allowing more UV rays from the sun to get through which will increase the planets temperature even faster

  7. Expect 2 degrees C Global temperature above baseline by 2018. We are currently 1.5 C above baseline (NASA 2016). Expect 3.5 C above baseline by 2020. Expect runaway greenhouse has begun.

  8. The Arctic has been through this cycle before. Remember when Greenland was actually green? It is not manmade global warming causing this but a normal sun-earth cycle.

  9. You spend more than 80 years to study the age and the thickness of the ice at the poles, but you did not spend one day to return ice to his place…!!!!!!!!! There's a lot about science,but very few of them scientists…
    These studies was completed and sent in 26th Jul 2000…Yousif Ayoub Tobiya

  10. And when the glacier retreats, you see trees, what doe this tell you.
    All I heard was emotional manipulation speech, no actually data….in 1930 it was almost the same as you see today, this is a non issue.
    There is no positive feed back system in nature, it is always negative…


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