20 thoughts on “If You Don’t Understand Peak Oil Or Think It Is Not For Real – See This Video”

  1. Whoops. Shale and fracking came along. I'm sure all these peak oil types will soberly reassess how viable a hypothesis "peak" oil is now.

  2. It is not the information in this video I find depressing. It is this information coupled with the fact that MOST people could be convinced to murder their own child, even if that child were physically and emotionally healthy. It does not seem like it is much more of a stretch to believe most people could be convinced to kill Mother Earth.

  3. looking at this comment section is seriously disheartening. despite better education, greater opportunities to conduct and view research and for scientists to communicate the facts, people still blindly ignore them in favor of facts that they feel more comfortable with. the fact that so many people are in denial of oil, and other resources for that matter, being a finite resource really makes me wonder why anyone bothers. why should the scientific community help the rest of humanity, when it openly refuses to help itself?

  4. Oil is a scam. It's continued use is promoted by the government because of the endless and vast amount amount of taxes it generates. The oil companies along with the government promote and finance the no nuke movement because of this and more. Cars should be running on air and a endless safe amount of free energy from Thorium.

  5. Earth been through some serious shit in 5 Billion Years. Man has been around 100K years. His machines been around 200 years. Man and his machines ? A threat to the climate ? Bwhahahahahaaa. Ya gotta be shittin' me people.

  6. "Fossil fuel" is a term that was invented by Rockefeller in order to create artificial scarcity of the 2nd most abundant liquid on the planet. It's been one of the world's most ingenious, profitable and longest lasting scams.

  7. I have never heard about "peak oil" before… I have looked at oil field discoveries regarding how they compare to the existing oil fields (regarding quantity, quality, and cost to extract), but I never considered the rate of discover. I have looked at projections of when oil will run out, but I never considered the idea of the rate of oil discovery being included in those projections. I also didn't consider the affects of diminishing oil supply affecting society long before it runs out. I will definitely look closer at this.

  8. Man. Energy consumption.   The entire Human population can fit in Rhode Island. We are an insignificant speck.

  9. To correct other "embarrassing beliefs" Google…"Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Cause Desert Greening". Need I say more ?

  10. Earth has been out of Crude since the day I got my first car 40 yrs ago. Every time a gallon jumps 50% – SHAZAMMMMMMMM.  All the gas you want.  Man is an insignificant speck.  Leave it to the Central Planners and you'll all be back living in caves. Except them. They'll be living in the same luxury they are accustomed to.  DRILL BABY DRILL.  Look at the new finds and technology taking place in the Dakotas and Texas…..these egghead alarmists look pretty silly right now.  

  11. Does anyone know where I can find this full documentary? DocuScience deleted their page and with it went the doc. It's called "Peak Oil and the 9/11 Conspiracy"

  12. anyone that thinks we can continue on an economic path defined by exponential growth in a world of declining commodity supply is delusional….civilizations have ALWAYS been defined and shaped by the energy harnessed per capita….PERIOD !
    Whether it was agriculture, domesticated animals, wood, coal , oil or nat. gas….

  13. We are completely out of gas. Until they raise the price. Then you can have all you want. Been playing this game for 50 yrs. Gas lines at .60c cents a gallon. No lines at $4 bucks a gallon. Man is overwhelming Earth ? Look it up- the entire population of Earth can fit in Rhode Island. The entire human population could fit in Texas and be less crowded than NYC. These hack eggheads live on grant money and research dollars. Hacks. Dont put your family in Prius.Govt Hacks drive in Limos n Jets.

  14. You Greenies are useful idiots for the Oil Companies. We've done everything you asked us to do since 1975. Our reward is—$4 a gallon gas and driving around in death traps. No new refineries- why build more refineries when you're the only game in town ? When you are the only Water Hole in the desert- you set the price for a cool glass of water. Why would you dig another hole ? Drill Baby Drill & rewrite the leases. NO US CRUDE SHIPPED OVERSEAS.

  15. First thing we need to do is declare a Nat'L Emergency and re-write the Oil Leases. Exxon and other US Oil Companies are shipping Crude from Govt land to China- because we are conserving too much here ! Outrageous. They hide behind OPEC- then blame them for the pricing of gas, and laugh all the way to the bank. It costs Exxon the same to drill a barrel today as it did in 1985. They are registering RECORD profits because of outdated Lease Agreements. Unused US Crude going to China. Outrageous.

  16. The Oceans of Earth are far less than 1% of the Earth's volume. There could be that much crude. We have no clue how much Crude is out there. You are spouting Stats & scary stories from the people that sell and refine it. The truth is- we have no clue how much there is and how quickly it replaces itself. Paying hack eggheads to tout the Govt propaganda may be a nice comfy lucrative living- but it wont help find new technology to replace crude. That will come from the Private Sector.

  17. Listen Bozo- take a break from building your Igloo preparing for Man Made Global Warming. When I got my license Gas was .39c a gallon. Now it's $4 bucks. I use to drive 50K miles a year. Now I drive 10K. I use to drive a big safe auto. Now I drive a freaking golf cart with a roof. Dont lecture me on 'getting mine'. US Oil Companies take all our (gas) conservation and sell it to China. They hide behind OPEC setting the price and happily gouge the living hell out of us. While you give them cover.

  18. You are seriously annoying; near the top tier of typical right-wing ego-tripping bullshit. Get over yourself.

    People don't "produce" anything that didn't already exist in nature. People just manipulate materials into other forms. Oil is a classic example of that. Cutting down trees is another. Same with mining ore.

    Bakken in North Dakota may only yield about 7.4 billion barrels of oil per the USGS (about a year of net U.S. consumption), so why pretend it's a forever bonanza? Learn some math.

  19. I take it you think oil is abiotic? What a piece of right-wing filth you are. Geologists know quite well how oil is produced and that wells inevitably peak. You stupid punks don't care about anything but "getting yours." Sad examples of humanity.

  20. Behind all those slick lines, you're just another right-wing taker who refuses to accept any scientific evidence of depletion or man-made disruption of nature. Always some glib comeback that ignores supply/demand math.

    Another random example is the well documented depletion of the Ogallala aquifer. You'd probably claim we can just desalinate the ocean with energy from "infinite" shale oil (that the gubmint is hiding from us). You people are just gluttons passing yourselves off as conservatives.


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