17 thoughts on “Recycling of electronic waste (WEEE)”

  1. Am interested in such a machine how can i get it and how much is it please? My business is ni Kenya I will appreciate much input. Thank you

  2. Everything needs to be recycled where possible. So much waste of good materials in manufactured products post life cycle. You think towing asteroids full of nickel and aluminium was an option the way the world wastes things. Good work guys.

  3. What happens to materials like beryllium (Be BeO) etc?
    Wont it spread all around and contaminate the air in the facility?
    Its light non magnetic material often found in components and different alloys.

    Parts of micrograms of it in the air is very harmful.

  4. Dear Ko Kien,
    Thank you for your comments to our video on WEEE recycling process. I’m pleased to hear that it has been useful to you.
    Regarding your questions we can reply you as follows:
    1.       Circuit boards:
    1st grade and partly 2nd grade circuit boards contained in WEEE are being removed manually during the pre-treatment of WEEE (dismantling). Normally, we see the circuit boards being sold as they are to refineries, who are having the processing plant and capacity to extract the precious metals and copper from the circuit boards.
    Refineries would normally do sampling by down-sizing circuit boards in our super chopper and granulators to size of 35-40mm.
    2.       Magnets before ECS – 3 main reasons for having these:
    a.       ECS has a strong magnetic field meaning that if too large pieces of iron enters into that magnetic field, the conveyor belt will be burned and risk increases of damaging the magnetic drum. So in order to avoid as little iron to enter the ECS, we have in most of our WEEE plants installed overband magnets (electro and permanent) after each process of shredding and granulation + drum pulley magnets (permanent) in the conveyor belts feeding the ECS.
    b.      The shredding/granulation process also liberates iron particles from the remaining material, which then also beside the point mentioned above, clean up the material stream and gives a saleable Fe fraction.
    c.       By removing as much as possible of iron in the WEEE material, then in our Eldan WEEE plants you increases the value of the final metal output fraction from our separation table.
    3.       2 x ECS in Eldan WEEE plants:
    After the shredding process we have the first ECS and again after our rasper we have the second ECS. The reason is again to extract as much as possible of the non-ferrous metals from the WEEE stream, and by having a second ECS you can extract 2-4% more non-ferrous metals (based input material!!).  This is a saleable fraction (Al +Al alloys, Mg, Cu, little brass & and PM (Au, Ag, Pd in circuit boards)) as it is or customer can work up this fraction and increase value of this saleable fraction.
    Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
    Eldan Recycling A/S
    Flemming Hansen – Product Manager

  5. Muy interesante video ademas de que la planta esta en Zaragoza justo donde vivo yo, lo mismo hago yo pero  a muy pequeña escala.Gracias por el video.

  6. Dear Natalia, Thank you for the question. The normal procedure before feeding the WEEE material into the Eldan plant (not just SC1412) is to dismantled e.g. PC’s, CRT, printers, etc. and to remove printed circuit boards, cables, glass.
    Hazardous components like batteries and ink cartridges are being removed at the same time, too.
    Capacitors can be removed down-stream manually.
    The SC1412 is being used to down-size WEEE material and thus to upgrade the input capacity into the WEEE plant.

  7. Very nice video, all the process are very clear to me. But I would like to ask one question: Which is the kind of WEEE feeding the SC1412 (first stage)? Have all those WEEE been dismantled before to separate hazardous substances?

  8. Hello Garrett,
    Thank you for wisiting us on YouTube.
    If you are interested in our recycling equipment, please contact our headoffice.


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