Science & Nature Information : What Is the Major Cause of Global Warming?

The major cause of global warming is a thick layer of gases, including methane and carbon dioxide, that trap heat and energy near the earth. Find out how methane is produced by common things decaying on the earth with information from a math and science teacher in this free video on global warming.

Expert: Steve Jones
Bio: Steve Jones is an experienced mathematics and science teacher.
Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky
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Top 6 Climate Change Problems


20 thoughts on “Science & Nature Information : What Is the Major Cause of Global Warming?”

  1. Err I been around a few years and I don’t really care what you say or any of your data because I can see and feel the changes, we used to have long cold winters when I was younger no more, its now the 8th of November there still leaves on the the trees, we no longer have hard frost’s, spring is now starting early we have more volante flips in the weather. I would suggest you should look outside a bit more and see the changes.

  2. The oceans are warming so MORE water evaporates. Then its a case of what goes up must come down so the moisture comes down and if it comes down in winter it often comes down as snow. So we get MORE snow.

  3. I've said it all a long. chem trails should be illegal for sure. it helps heat up the planet. look into it. it's really used to heat up Antarctica. but doesn't seem to bother our government's. cause it's still not illegal to spray the sky's. HELLO!!!

  4. Dude even if we ignore the models there is hard evidence that climate change is real. As a matter of fact the climate change is more than predicted by the models….and feedback loops are kicking in which will accelerate the process. I choose to believe 97% of climate scientists rather than people like you.

  5. At least 4 MAJOR ICE AGES have come and gone without ANY contributing factors by Man. Ummmm.. what were the other 2 again ? lol

  6. Great video as always. Let´s see what some PHD´s that say they know it all, will do if the data from Sun´s activity turns to be, as said by many scientists, going to a grand minimum and really bring freezing cold in the next 10 or 20 years putting crops around the globe to misery. That will be for laughs, seing them turn red and redder because of their puffed up egos. That will be the real test to all these all-knowing ones. The universe doesn´t care to what they say they know, the universe will do what it wants to do, as it has been doing for the last few billions of years, regardless of what they say they think they know and of all their certainties given to them by their certificates. And now people are so blinded by mainstream propaganda of global warming that they are not believing that a cold era is close on our heels. Their loss. Entire civilizations have been decimated by these cold eras and people are happily believing that global warming is here to stay. It never was and it never will as the freezing cold is the normal state of this part of the universe, as data from ice cores and others sources shows. Eyes open.

  7. I find it hard to believe that people would not understand that temperatures around a volcano go up even though there is no eruptions. The whole area is warmer. If that volcano had ice over it wouldn't the ice melt?
    These objections are from trolls. You can tell the trolls from real people by the insults they throw. Some paid and other have a stake in this new tax they are debating. Money makes the world go round and this is no exception. The people who actually do work and find out the raw data and compare to what is being published are the winners. The rest are Whiners and Insult machine with an interest in the fight.
    No one is denying climate change, What they are denying is the systematic changing of facts to target CO2 as the preventable reason.

  8. It is the deniers that have pushed the idea that we blame it all on human induced pollution , wrong i accept both , what are we going to do about it ? That is the problem – on a planet that is unstable they want more nuclear plants that is crazy – they want to deforest , they want to mine the shit out of the planet . and we keep on populating like there is nothing wrong ! so dangerous ! Your supporting that , even if you say you aren't .

  9. Its about extremes hot cold..more often ..less often… science is about factual measurment and analycis NOT about conpiricsy
    went did in fact go to the moon vaccines will save us.. man made gases ARE effecting climate.

  10. Biggest threats to blocking the Sun's rays are the accumulation of HUMAN FARTS!

    HUMAN FARTS are unique unlike COW FARTS, HUMAN FARTS have different gases which eat at the Ozone and the Stratosphere together they allow the OCEAN to absorb more WATER VAPOR not Co2!

    We need to start taking daily drugs to reduce or in the future stop all human farting since it will end humans ability to live on Earth as soon as 2033-2040

    Ecologists and Atmospheric scientists have known about the HUMAN FARTS problem for nearly 40 years!!!!

  11. Anyone think the last solar eclipse caused the weather to change and cause huge hurricane harvey that sat over texas and dumped up to 50" inches of rain ?

    We dont butt who knows ? Of course the fearporn channels will run this story for views

    Hi Ben💨😎

  12. If you had any understanding of heat in the climate you would know that extremes occur as a result. It is now Aug.2017. and observations of real events have proven climate predictions wrong…It's much worse! EG. old sea ice in the Arctic has effectively disappeared far sooner than predicted. The Jet stream has slowed and is now meandering more than ever causing extremes in weather systems; and the list goes on. So you're right. The IPCC has woefully misrepresented the data and despite your claimed corruption it's still warmer than anticipated. As for the 'hiatus' in warming over the last 20yrs or so…well i just love those cherries 🙂 Bottom line is the climate doesn't give a toss about how we feel. As you said right at the beginning; the climate is warming and there is very little (if anything) we can do to stop it …Big ride coming our way soon. Wohooo!

  13. 8/9/2017 Hottest summer on record month and a half still to go. Been in smoke for over 3 weeks, a blessing, it blocks the intense heat 98*F+ Whew, no rain here no wind like being in a vortex on some strange planet!


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