The Elephant in the Peak Oil Living Room

Peak Moment 60: Richard Katz and Dennis Brumm burst the technofix dream-bubble by naming the hard stuff: the lack of sufficient alternatives to oil and gas at the enormous scale needed. Overpopulation exceeding the planet’s carrying capacity. Potential collapse. But wait! they close with ideas for positive individual responses. [] Video Rating: / 5

Living with climate change Global warming is happening. Temperatures have already risen by 0.76 degrees since the industrial revolution and are projected to rise further by 1.8 – 4 degrees by the end of the century. The last time climate change happened at this pace was 125,000 years ago and led to a 4-6 metre sea level rise. … Read more

Life Is Good : Sustainable Living (National Geographic Documentary)

Life Is Good : Sustainable Living (National Geographic Documentary) Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources and personal resources. Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption, and diet. Proponents of sustainable living … Read more