TRICK REVEALED FREE ENERGY motion perpetual Rotation infinity tutorial

This is an TRICK REVELED on experiment to energy infinity..
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Latest anonymous message in 2017!
This news coincides with announcements by NASA of age reversing pills and faster than light travel technology that will allow us to go to visit newly discovered earth like planets.

President Trump wants to disclose 1000 classified patents regarding age reversal medicine, free energy, and quantum technology.

CIA sources are also saying a secret presidential order was given to release free energy technology as well as existing anti-aging technology.

The only thing that is blocking humanity from this future of immortality and exponential expansion into the universe is now a small group of people clinging to control of financial computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and the BIS. These computers need to be physically seized in order to allow the issuance of unlimited funds to let humanity spread its wings and fly.

You have to watch this! Something big is going to happen in the world.
The concerns expressed in the message are really challenging.

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39 thoughts on “TRICK REVEALED FREE ENERGY motion perpetual Rotation infinity tutorial”

  1. è solo per dimostrare di fare attenzione ai video fasulli che si trovano sul web che poi la gente replica sentendosi di conseguenza dei perfetti imbecilli. è solo come dimostrazione e anche un modo per replicare questo oggetto e impressionare gli amici che ci cascheranno sicuramente 🙂

  2. See it technically not free power because the power it is producing is then used to power itself one again. And I pretty sure it will stop at some point because there is loss of power.

  3. But what is the point of doing this kind of videos. To give the impression that all that we see on YouTube about free energy generator are fake? Since you guys are investing money, time, effort and a lot of thinking on this, why not try to make the real thing.

  4. This would be great if true. But I'm a scientist and engineer and I don't think so (I hope I'm wrong). Age reversal and free energy would transform our species into a higher order.

  5. If the ability to reverse ageing was possible it couldn't be available to the public. There are already too many people on this planet. If no one died then no one could be allowed to reproduce. Think about it.

  6. I demand them to reveal Sloot Digital Coding System and Starlite. Don't make people waste time re-invent these two.

  7. so anti aging is out of reach for all of us because secrecy order by illuminati? screw them I belive in Jesus and one day no matter how old i get I will live forever .Illuminati you will see hell grins like a hungry wolf

  8. Why would anti-aging knowledge be such a secret? Is it the reason why so many Blacks are disappearing? (For their melanin)

  9. January 11, 2017 10:37am

    (Based on my Dream)

    Things won't get any better for the mid-lower class in the future. As a matter of fact, much worse. The middle will completely diminish or cease to exist. As for the upper class, the rich to be exact, will be come separated completely from all parts of society that doesn't hold the same class and financial status as them. Everyone else we're confined into a world of everlasting hardships. With no hope of ever making beyond the crime riddled communities there were placed to live.
    As if the suffrage of those living in poverty isn't already hard enough, in the future this sub-stained. As humans because of type of laboratory genetically altering chemicals rather it be through airborne, through vaccinations, and/or medications found some way to slow or nearly stop the aging process. Good for the rich to have longer to enjoy and protect their riches, terrible for the lower to end lifelong struggles.
    To make matters worst, the living conditions for the lower will come horrendous, making it nearly impossible to live in. I saw it there you know? I was placed in a setting in the future, a world which I wasn't familiar with. I'm not sure how far in the future or what year it was, but I know I still looked the same age. I walked through this world in curiosity.But the world looked to have aged not in a beautiful way but in a filthy dirty way as if taking it last breaths or hopes of restoring itself. There no grass but patches of artificial lawn that was still worn and dusty. More concrete then vegetation. Everything seemed to slope and people wore faces of complete misery. People only spoke to each other in anger and frustration.
    I went into one these tiny condos of slumber, in which a man of maybe 30 or more appeared and invited me in. When I asked if I can use the bathroom. The floor of the apartment building was weakened and could give out at any minute. The brown stained carpet covering it along with a few pieces of raggedy furniture from decades or maybe centuries ago. Everything was tightly compacted barely room for moving around comfortably. What was called the bathroom was a tinier hole in the wall that had plastic totes stacked to the ceiling that had to be removed only to see fecal matter on top of one called a toilet. I was disgusted and turned away.
    People made even more in taxes, and not the way it once was deducted from pay but it had to be handed over in exact payments in envelopes made out specifically for taxes. I remember one of the guys said that they needed a new tire and a white vehicle a cross between a van and truck came through almost in lightening speed. It had 6 tires and levitated nearly a a foot of the ground. Some mechanism came out and ate the tire and spit out a new one. I continued on.
    I was hearing talk amongst people saying how we were paying nearly half our salary to the guy in charge, I'm guessing the president. I didn't know where I was or how to locate my loved ones or even they still breathed life or not. I heard a rumbling sound inches before me from the air and a transparent screen appeared and on it was a lady I was familiar with my sister. She was crying hysterically and saying I need to help her get out the facility where she was being held. I said I was coming although I had no idea of what to do or where to go. Or even what I was up against. I saw here name, date of birth, and her age which was 413 years.
    This is how I saw the future. A future that we any face if we continued to do nothing and let them be in control. If we keep accepting this treatment and be naive and ignorant to what we need to focus on. I may be years from now, but it will take years to revolt against. We face a terrible and painful future, a true Hell on Earth should I say.

  10. I swear I had this dream. But it was stop prolong life. In this dream the poor or lower class was given these things so they couldn't age and lived in more worse poverty than now. So suffereing was worst but dying was inevitable because the aging processes halted.

  11. And pigs will fly…? I'd love to think this is going to happen but the elites and they're countless murderous, quite often clueless fanatical followers are doing their damnedest to make sure people keep marching to the sick songs that so many of us accept as 'reality'. I remain cautiously optimistic so I guess we'll see what happens….

  12. Everybody knows these videos are being released to try and discredit Anonymous with videos of ridiculousness. In the age of information, false information is the primary tool to keep the public spinning in circles.

  13. There lot more, Doctor out their now and Lab's telling about how close they are to reversal aging, if this true, they all read have it, and big Business can make ting cheap, it all great news if it come to pass, hag up drug company want charge you arm and a Leg for these Aging Reversal dug's if they were smart they would have it fro everyone, and have leas Doctor for the Government to pay out, here is hoping 🙂

  14. I went to my bank only to discover money missing from my account again it was only 22pounds I'd saved towards going out f my birthday but seeing as I'm an innocent of any crime target this is the shit I'm up against n my grandson whom I've had since birth is targeted too it breaks my heart to think of so much h8crime going on n others suffering too my phones r hacked n this is someone elses phone it's the only way of getting my point out there to public we need to stop this now n need help n let's just pray that Jesus was right when he exclaimed the meek shall inherit the world love u snnonymous


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