39 thoughts on “EPA chief defends Paris decision (entire event)”

  1. No but I heard the pork chops are good! I don't eat meat, but my boyfriend doesn't. Their prices are good too, but I have to go alone because it's too expensive. I wonder if they offer credit cards? I would open a new account but my credit score is low… however, I hear the economy is thriving in Saudi Arabia!This is wonderful because I've been asking Santa for that red blouse since 1990! Next time I'll call before I come over.

  2. my goodness the progressives have got their trolls out in force… Have ANY of these so called do gooders even read the agreement? NOT! Trump is fighting for you too libs!!! Sit back and enjoy the ride!

  3. Trump Budget = Children will die
    Trump Travel Ban = Children will die
    Trump Care = Children will die
    Trump Paris = Children will die
    This is why no one listens to you lunatics.

  4. The climate has been warming for over 12,000 years. This is fact. And thankfully so. Warming is fine for humans and a couple of degree's isn't going to kill anyone. During the Jurassic period the Earth was 3 degrees warmer. The dinosaurs were fine, indeed it was an asteroid and the effects of that striking that Earth that caused cooling and killed them off.

  5. tl;dr: Agreeing and liking are not the same thing.

    I have a mild concern about this videos ratings. Majority haven't liked this video (atm: 353 likes vs. 754 dislikes). I mean, I liked it. I feel that it is important that open press covers press releases often and unedited (as in entire event, not just choosing the preferred parts). I do value these videos a lot even though I don't necessarily agree what Scott Pruitt said. I find this video important, informative, and over all good, but that does not mean I have to agree with the man behind the podium.

  6. Dont most of you relise that america can still produce solar and all kinds of stuff without having to be in the paris deal?? trump is saving the country millions but you dumb fuck liberals are too blind to see it, now watch the hate comments in, dont worry thou, ill just delete your worthless ass comments.

  7. The words "clean coal" brought a smirk with them which only validates the fact that these men lie for sport and truly enjoy doing so. Never mind the fact that he "answered" with evasion every time Trump's beliefs were up for verification. Bill Nye is not a schill, this parasite is. Stripping the EPA does not "put America first", it keeps the status quo intact.

  8. China does not have to comply until 2030. India does not have to comply until 2 1/2 Trillion in aid. Russia set their target emission reductions to a low margin. The US has to pay Trillions of dollars in aids to other countries. Why are we still having a discussion about this crappy deal? I'd say this was an excellent decision by our president.

    With America's official withdrawal from the Paris accords, China is glad to take on the mantle of leadership. China announces the world that we move on to a better future and let the hypocrite america drown on their fossil fuel addiction and suffocate on their carbon monoxide emission. The world does not need of these hypocrites. Heck, China even got America's balls on their hands because of America's debt. We have been led to believe that all intelligent people are in America, that's not the case, as evidenced by these so called 'men of God', especially the evangelicals. China is building dozens if not hundreds of renewable energy plants around the country, and that's just the beginning. China is partnering with other countries and sponsoring these renewable energy projects on other countries. China is creating more jobs, more innovation, and we wouldn't be surprised if the next technological breakthrough, may it be civilian or military technology, will happen in China. The racist America has sent a message that it wants to be isolated, so be it. China invites the whole world to put a wall around the american country (not literally) and let their stupid views stay inside in their miserable land. Don't be foolishly attracted by their so-called 'American dream', because the reality of the 'America dream' is to destroy the world. China calls on the European nations who are held hostage in their so-called "NATO Alliance", to join China. China will not scold you if you won't be able to pay your share immediately. Join China's EurAsia. Join China's Silk Road. Join China's Prosperity. Join China, THE NEW WORLD LEADER.

  10. Okej all clickbaiters out there that don't understand! According to the un's own calculations this Paris treaty achieves less than 1% of the emission cuts that are actually needed to meet it's target temperatures, so 99% of what the un claims is necessary to control the earth climate, 99% of the reduction and the problems are left for the leaders in the 2030's. Also according to the un's calculation this whole effort will maybe reduce the climate with 3 tenth of one degree of the end of the century in other words 2100, that is eighty-six one thousandth of a degree according to the un's own calculation. Is that worth hundred trillion dollars that un globalists wants to spend? NO!

    Back to America. Trump didn't say fuck you to the climate, he said fuck you to the Paris agreement wich is a very bad deal for America! There are better and faster ways to deal with climate change. According to un's own calculations this whole paris agreement deal almost does nothing for the climate and 100% nothing positive for America! We need jobs righ now, we need to boost our economy and not waste money on a agreement that only will hurt our working class people, our jobs and our economy. We would have lost 6-10 million jobs, we don't need that right now! This deal doesn't restrict China or Idia, they can continue with their coal industry while we have to basically stop and get restricted economically from every angle, FUCK THAT! The agreement is not fair to America! We don't need to be in a so called Paris agreement to work for a good climate for god's sake, we have all the tools to do that for ourselves on U.S soil. It has to be a balance between working on the climat meanwhile doing good when it comes to jobs and growing our economy, by dropping out we can get that balance to boost the economy while working on the climate. The Paris agreement is too one sided, it doesnt give America that balance! Not a good deal at all, just a waste of money!

  11. The protection of the earth we all live on. Comes above all other entities. Mr Pruitt is not concerned about the following generations, only his own pockets. You, sir, are a disgrace to humanity.

  12. Brilliant! Kept the reporters on tow, kept them interested, lead them back to the subject at hand, did not let them change the subject, did not stoop to their corporate ad revenue level and never gave them what they wanted . . . the media was lead like sheep. The viewing public can go listen to Trumps actual words and read the numbers vs cnn's ad revenue conjecture. Scott Pruitt very well handled, A+ to guy just doing his intelligent job.

  13. Das ist auch Frischkäse, das gleiche gibts auch in nem gewöhnlichen Supermarkt/Discounter, da steht auch oft drauf Brotaufstrich Naturell und hinten über den den Zutaten….. Frischkäsezubereitung 😉

  14. (at)Makkeman72, …Junge, wieviel Tage spielt ihr am Stück? Total übertrieben und viel zu teuer… 😉 …das reicht preislich fast für´n Kiste Paint

  15. Wenn ich schon seh wie du das Streichholz hälst würd ich dir am liebsten in die fresse Hauen… bist einfach unfähig.

  16. Mir erschließt sich als normaler Mensch ich war nicht bei der Bundestagswahl die Logik der Zusammenstellung des Packet nicht.

    1. Wie so ist da kein Besteck zum essen beigefügt. Weil wer das nicht mit hat muss mit Händen essen ?

    2. Ist es so schwer eine 500ml Packung Wasser für denn Notfall beizupacken ?

    3. Warum ist die Hauptverpackung aus Papier oder Pappe ? Ist ja nicht so als würde Sie davon weich werden 🙄.

    4. Ein kleines Notfall-Set mit Verband und Co. wäre doch auch mal angebracht.

    5. Nur 20 Streichhölzer aber dafür 5 mal Zucker ? WTF gut Zucker wird Energie bringen ist logisch. Aber Feuer machen ist über Dauer sehr wichtig. Es hat mehre Vorteile ein Feuer zu haben.

    So das waren so meine Gedanken eben die mir dazu eingefallen sind. Es kann sein da ich damit voll daneben lieg aber ich würde es so besser finden. Es gibt noch mehr Sachen die mir eingefallen sind was mir an dem Deutschen Notfall Packe was hier im Video vorgestellt wird gut wäre.

    Zum Video selbst es ist ein sehr gutes (; Danke 🙏

  17. warum hat sich der Koch so grau angemalt?Zündholz zieht man zu sich hin um es zu entzüden…ist hoffentlich kein Überlebenscamp? Die Musik passt zum Kochthema  Der Feind wenn dieses Video sieht, haste schon verloren!


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