Life Is Good : Sustainable Living (National Geographic Documentary)

Life Is Good : Sustainable Living (National Geographic Documentary) Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources and personal resources. Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption, and diet. Proponents of sustainable living … Read more

Visions of a Sustainable World

This 10 minute video presents highlights of an interview with Dr. Paul Raskin about his views on the pathways necessary to achieve a sustainable planetary civilization in the near-term future. Dr. Raskin posits that a global citizens movement and a Copernican shift in how humans perceive their relationship to earth are both necessary. Dr. Raskin … Read more

Green Building Construction and Sustainable Design

Steve Glenn, CEO of LivingHomes describes the concepts of sustainable design and green building construction. Examples of prefabricated sustainable houses are highlighted. Video Rating: / 5 Sustainable design requires a team approach. This includes architects, construction crew, engineers, developers and an engaged client. Over the last 12 months, staff at the National Building Museum documented … Read more