20 thoughts on “Batch Solar Water Heater 4 Month Update”

  1. Perhaps painting the sides of the box in the ground flat black might add some more degrees to the water.
    White is the opposite color of what you would want, I think.

  2. Paint the outside black too, it will help regardless, with the outer panel not trying to sap heat away is just more heat that stays in the box longer. Good ideal

  3. i like that you painted the entire interior black, some people donet get it and i have seen people waste money by making the inside shinny??? , cool build bro 

  4. Very cool:)!
    Why wouldn't you paint the outside black as well? I would think that too would pull some of those free radiant rays..?

  5. I'm wondering at the idea of putting concrete stepping stones, painted black inside the box with the tank as a sort of heat storage system. Something very dense and fairly thick.

  6. Very good Job, on this batch solar water heater, saving money on the electric bill is what a solar water heater would Be,all about..
    Raphael DIY

  7. seems very much like the 1st computers …
    and one person copies the other person …
    where are the HUGE ! Magnifying glasses to focus heat ?
    where are the Mirrors to get more light down to the box ?
    heating water expands yes so u can use that to help pump the water , or not use a water tank at all and use a Pump or gravity , theres even solar pumps …
    all im saying is we can do better … and were doing great at the same time

  8. I wish I would have made mine like yours now. I like the temperature gauge really cool. Please take a look at mine and tell me what you think.

  9. Does it really even matter when you take your showers? I mean, the water heater will have to keep the water heated all day no matter what.


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