BBC Technology Documentary Renewable Energy NEW+ Science Documentary HD

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Alex Epstein (author and energy theorist) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the climate change debate, including alternative energy, Al Gore, and oil spills. ***Subscribe:

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Watch the full interview with Alex Epstein:

For an alternate view point on the same topic, watch Dave’s interview with Dr. Michael E. Mann:

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Alex Epstein
Author and Energy Theorist
Alex on Twitter: twitter: #AlexEpstein
Get the book “The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” here:

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40 thoughts on “BBC Technology Documentary Renewable Energy NEW+ Science Documentary HD”

  1. There`s an eco-friendly solution which will also help you save money spent on electric power bills and it is the producing power method “boma fetching unique” (Google it). Keep in mind that there are sacrifices you should make when trying to conserve energy. Many of these interventions require a small investment of money and time.

  2. Here are producing power process “boma fetching unique” (Google it) to help your home be more energy-efficient and cut utility bills for years to come. Its a great place to begin saving money by making some small adjustments in your house. You can be a person who wishes to save the environment or a family man wanting to save on bills, this is certainly among the best methods you`ll have.

  3. This is a 2011 documentary from the David Koch Science Hour, aka Nova. It is technologically obsolete and, like all Nova shows, it is subtly aimed at distracting us from our most urgent problem, namely getting off of fossil fuels. The US spends around $2600 per person per year on fossil fuels, not counting around $20B of government subsidies. Oil, and then natural gas, will go the way of coal companies–bankrupt–as we ramp up solar and wind generation and electric vehicles. Nuclear is on a negative learning curve and will be increasingly uncompetitive.

  4. The fact that we still use coal and oil PROVES religious people are mentally inferior. They are the majority of the planet and the planet is failing. This is not a coincidence.

  5. Can not believe how they still include Nuclear as a solution, some humans are still in the stone age and never learn. Using Nuclear as a solution todays is the same old 'under the carpet' strategy as by the next century generation the problems will be radioactive waste , this without even mention the terror of Chernobyl, Fukushima. Nuclear can not handle nature hurricane, Nuclear must be out, at least for us lovers of clean air and a fresh clean breeze by the sea…#lol

  6. actually man (humans) can save us from climate change. Technology is not external to us – we need to move away from coal and oil, for sure. It's so obvious it's sickening. But innovations are only coming from those who are willing to not see immediate profit. Coal is like old white politicians. Time to go.

  7. All well and good but promoting nuclear is a fail. We do not know how to get rid of the waste because it's dangerous for 10,000 years. Renewables are the only way to go.

  8. When it comes to nuclear power, the question is not just how safe it is, the first question is, what to do with the radioactive waste. The total cost of the current solutions is in no relation to any of the other options we already have. There simply is no carefree place to store radioactive waste.

  9. Nice PBS documentary! (sorry but NOT BBC here)! One thing as usual for AMERICAN documentaries is the total AVOIDANCE of connecting electricity and railway together! here trains were only mentioned one — under fossil fuel category. Electric? ONLY EVs which are fine and dandy of course. But again, absolutely NOTHING in regard of using CLEAN produced to power railways such is being done on the majority of this planet! China, Russia, Japan, Europe, and Oceania are developing their electrified railway infrastructure. Even India has been on a total massive railway electrification project!

    Why can't Central and North America? Makes no sense whatsoever! This is propaganda as to further indoctrinate the American public that it is somehow considered to be ' inefficient to run trains from city to city by means of green produced electricity! Just look at rest of developed world, somehow such has PROVED itself to indeed wind up being EFFICIENT!

    WHY on Earth would that not be the case in Central and North America? In fact over the decades since railway electrification came to be (partly invented in America and in Germany) especially the USA has DE-electrified her intercity railway infrastructure by over a HALF! I know the answer unlike Southeast Asia where money is the stumbling block, in Central and North America it is the total LACK OF WILL! Hence CORPORATE GREED by the petro-chemical industry and the motorcar industry, while we are at it!

  10. Here are generating power method “boma fetching unique” (Google it) to help your house be more power efficient and cut power bills for years to come. Its an excellent place to start saving money by making some small adjustments in your home. You can be a person who wishes to save the environment or a family man wishing to save on bills, this is definitely one of the best methods you`ll have.

  11. Human Beings are a part of Nature. We are natural. What ever we come up with is part of the Ecosystem. Nature to be commanded must be obeyed. All the hypocrites, rely on the results (technology, conveyance etc.) from the basis they despise. All things created by humans are from nature and in essence organic. Honest men conquer nature. Dishonest men conquer men. Thank the stars people like Alex Epstein exist. I thought they were all gone.

  12. People need to do some research. CO2 is not a driver of climate. There is absolutely zero hard data (see John Christy et al) showing CO2 is causally related to climate change, or global warming. We have the data on historical global temperature changes and CO2 levels, and they are not corelated, aside for a short period where CO2 levels seem to FOLLOW temperature rises by about 800 years, which would suggest CO2 was a RESULT of rises in temperature (ocean release?).

    In addition, here Epstein notes that periods of Earth's history that have had higher CO2 levels have been the GREENEST and most biologically diverse ever! Every student of the natural sciences knows this.

    Humans evolved in the tropics. We are a tropical species (as most are) and the only reason we now inhabit the Northern and Southern hemispheres closer to the poles is due to the energy and technologies made available by fossil fuels.

    The alarmist diversion of human attention away from real global problems, like poverty, religious extremism, disease and real pollution (waste) is a tragedy. These simpletons are doing a disservice to humanity, and the planet.

  13. I really enjoyed this conversation. However, I thought there were a few too many simplified stereotypes thrown around in regard to "greens" and what they think/know. Also, Alex shares his worldview values as a better way of looking at things rather than accepting other people's as equally valid. It's a great dialogue that they start and I would be pleased to know if a compromise can be made. We need all worldviews and ideas and values in order to find improvements.

  14. How would you expect a free market to work, when fossil fuel had at least 20 years of head start and is big enough to hinder the development of alternative energy sources through lobbying.

    Is this what he means by free market?

  15. I agree that "anti-human" is a good phrase. It really is spread through everything too. That show Ancient Aliens is a different example. The whole idea there is that people are not smart enough to have made this, so something else did. Anti-Human.

  16. Epstein – "We expect it to be bad even before we investigate that it's bad"
    "We expect any change of climate to be bad before we truly investigate it"

    The issue with this viewpoint is that there is a 'point of no return' on climate change, we can't screw up our atmosphere and then say "well damn, we did screw it all up now that we can see the damage". We don't get to have a second chance with this planet, we should act as though the worst can happen if we do not change our behaviours habits.

  17. We need everyone to be maximally educated to their liking! Education is an investment.
    We need to make education available to all people all over the world so we don't lose the next Einstein because he was born in an Indian slum.

  18. Nuclear is a good example of too much regulation. It should be much cheaper per watt hour.
    Harvesting coal actually exposes the worker to much more radiation than working in a nuclear power plant (unless you dive into the pool while the reactor is active).

  19. Interesting point, I do however still think solar is the future and the only thing holding it back at the moment is technology. Speaking in the terms of the laws of Thermodynamics. Fossil fuels requires energy to collect, refine, and convert into a form that can do work. During this process you lose energy to heat and friction. The process of collecting solar energy however is passive and there is arguably less energy loss to heat and friction. The process of collection also immediately converts it into a form that can do work. So once the technology catches up solar will overtake fossil fuels as it will be more efficient.

  20. I disagree with main principles this man presents. Morality works like that. I value life. Life of humans, animals and plants. Hence some sort of sustainability.
    I am not anti science in any way, so I'll agree with all the issues raised regarding way to get there if those are proven by data.
    I'll never agree that changing everything in a human biomass is an improvement.

    Thank you for letting this gentleman speak.
    Thank you for running an amazing and challenging show.


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