Climate Change Report vs. EPA Chief Scott Pruitt | The New York Times

Climate Change Report vs. EPA Chief Scott Pruitt | The New York Times

A draft report by scientists from 13 federal agencies directly contradicts statements by Scott Pruitt, the E.P.A. administrator, that human contribution to climate change is uncertain.

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A draft report from 13 federal agencies directly contradicts statements from the Trump administration. EPA Chief Scott Pruitt has frequently questioned the extent of human activity on climate change, admitting human activity contributes to it, but wonders how much. Pruitt has expressed doubt about the extent of human influence on climate change despite reports stating otherwise.


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Climate Change Report vs. EPA Chief Scott Pruitt | The New York Times
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13 thoughts on “Climate Change Report vs. EPA Chief Scott Pruitt | The New York Times”

  1. I'm stunned that America-at-large doesn't get this, or a blinkered significant proportion of America anyway. Pruitt, I believe, was funded by the fossil fuel industry which enabled him to get where he is. I believe he holds shares in fossil fuels. Right now, while still in office. I guess it's easily found, this information. It's as if the Trump administation doesn't know what Google is.

  2. The US government is run by billionaires who want to increase their personal wealth. They are employing people who will help them increase their business opportunities, without any regard for any other consideration.

  3. The anthropogenic climate change deniers have already killed us. For 30+ years they've spent millions annually on disinformation to prevent action. There's already enough gas in the pipeline to hurtle us past the 2C point of no return. The holocaust will likely not begin until past mid century. Humans are clever omnivores with large brains who've survived ice ages, so a few will survive. By mid 22nd century, what humans remain will probably be in small bands living close to the poles or in caves in primitive conditions. It will be a hard, barbaric existence for our descendants, eating bugs, rats, algae, other humans, whatever meagre stuff they can scrounge. Knowlege will be lost as books rot and computers are useless junk. Our ragged, hard-scrabble descendants will tell stories of their illustrious ancestors who had fantastic machines, miracle medicines and abundant food. They will marvel at the crumbling ruins of their ancestor's lost civilization. There will certainly be slavery and cannibalism, of course. Humans will not make a comeback as the lush, beautiful world filled with animals and plants will be long gone and the ocean dead. Much of the earth will be as Death Valley, Calif. It's going to be ghastly.


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