Downsize the Department of Energy

The Department of Energy oversees nuclear weapons sites and subsidizes conventional and alternative fuels. The department has a history of fiscal and environmental mismanagement. Furthermore, misguided energy regulations have caused large losses to consumers and the broader economy over the decades.

The department spent about billion 2013, or 0 for every U.S. household. It employs 17,000 workers directly and oversees about 100,000 contract workers at research facilities across the nation.
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Milton Friedman - Department Of Energy

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy. Milton weighs in.

31 thoughts on “Downsize the Department of Energy”

  1. Republican Party (GOP): rightwing nationalist movement of ultra-capitalists suppressing opposition through the wealth of commerce. Influencing elections by unethical practices of jerry-rigging, voter suppression, using religion and misinformation through corporate media. Guilty of perverting the First Amendment believing money is free speech, corporations are people, and having an agenda of repealing the Establishment Clause. Responsible for the death of the first major US city—Detroit the "Motor City." Believing in women as second-class citizens, having a false pro-life agenda, knowing full well the 14th Amendment will not be overturned, while fighting against school lunch programs, universal health care, actively investing in anti-global warming campaigns, all the while helping China—a “Communist” country—abort 330,000,000 babies while putting millions of Americans out of work. Believing in the tactic of obstructionism to the point of shutting down the government, causing a downgrade in the US credit rating, to get concessions for the wealthy. Guilty of negotiating with the terrorist organizations Abu Sayyaf and Islamic Jihad. Guilty of releasing from Guantanamo Bay, Ahmed Abu Khattala, a known Al-Qaeda terrorist who later took part in the killings of four Americans at the US embassy to Benghazi, Libya. Deceiving a populace into wars based on lies and innuendos, causing the death of over 4800 servicemen and women. Promoting an agenda of dismantling governmental programs such as the EPA, public education, programs assisting the poor, the disabled, Social Security for the elderly, and healthcare for veterans, for the sole purpose of keeping taxes unfairly low, or lowering taxes even further for the wealthy. Having a central core party platform of Big on Small Business, because they are actively helping Big Business move jobs overseas. Believing in supremacy and exploitation of, national, or international ethnic groups of low income, ensuring poverty worldwide. Having disdained contempt for democracy, and closely related to Fascism, as defined by Dr. Lawrence Britt, “Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism.”

  2. A larger bunch of paranoid sociopaths I've never seen. You have no clue what the Department of Energy really does–you don't know what MOST of the government you want to destroy actually does for you. If you want to live in a nation with a broken government, I'm sure there's some lovely shit hole in Africa that will accommodate you. Governments exist to keep people like you from turning nations into fascist dictatorships imposing a single ideology on everyone based on your own personal irrational mindset. You're all basically anarchists! 

  3. dept. of energy no good ,same as EPA, both bad for the people and the country and need to be abolished immeditaly !

  4. We should not downsize the dept of energy, we should close it, and abolish making a new one, America's energy policy should be chosen by the citizens , not the govt. socialism is wrong.

  5. WOW,
    Never a mention to the other programs wrapped up in the DOE like our national laboratories which are researching long term space travel, Nano technology, medical technologies, drones, future power sources, Super computing technologies, satellite technologies, weapons, Environmental technologies etc ..  which eventually are released out for national security concerns and eventually the consumer market if possible. This is just a fraction of the our research lab projects All you have to do is go visit online one of our 21 labs and find out what it is they are doing and what it is the DOE is doing. This Video mentions 3 projects.

    And in the end of this video I hear – Lets just shut the DOE down.
    I just lost so much respect for the CATO Institute.

  6. We also need to look at the EPA, their track record is not the greatest, also the department of defense could be a lot more efficient, scope and size should be considered here as well.

  7. There is two greeds in this world. Money: a greed we are told all the time about, and Power: a greed we are told to ignore but causes an equal in devastation.

  8. 2:23 "And nuclear waste disposal and non-defense environmental cleanup should be handled by the EPA."

    You think there should be an EPA? I'm switching my up-vote to a down-vote. You earned it.

  9. btw The program the gave Solyndria the loan is highly successful it has around 97% success rate.  

    You should also take a look at how fossil fuel production and consumption violates the property rights. That is THE BIGGEST subsidy ever.

  10. Don't tons of private institutions already exists for various markets reviewing the quality of the products of different businesses for said market? While they probably thoroughly inspect the product to maintain their good reputation, the FDA inspects what… like 3% of everything lol.

  11. I'm pretty sure we understand how to build roads. Roads aren't really the issue. Humans have been building roads for thousands of years. You need to be asking about education, welfare, the drug war, and the war in the middle east.

  12. Talk about an Orwellian government agency – Department of Energy. What energy has it ever produced? Reminds me of the Ministry of Love in the book 1984 that in fact was the Ministry of War.

  13. All of this posturing is irrelevant, until we have competition in the production and distrobution of money nothing else matters

  14. Would schooling be only for the wealthy? How about our education system? We are dead last in all industrialized nations. You think socializing education is still a good thing?

    Great example is the Cellphone. 30 years ago only Gangsters and politicians had cellphones. Do you think if government stepped in… we would have smart phones available to almost 100% of the population today?

    Come on… be realistic. Cellphones are not for the wealthy anymore nor will education.

  15. You don't think it is still happening today? If the government was good, why the hell on earth do we have so many diet pills on the shelves of stores still? We have the FDA supposedly making sure we get hoodwinked, but it is proven that people only hurt their liver when taking them….

    How about school lunches. Have you seen them lately?

    All this regulation has not helped at all. These are things clearly missed by the FDA yet they refuse to do anything about. The list goes on…

  16. Why wouldn't they open their doors to private inspectors? Wouldn't you prefer a product that has been inspected and certified by a reputable firm than one that wasn't? Most people would, and that means you can get a bigger market share and make more money by being inspected.

  17. Here is another idiotic claim. There certainly is no shortage of them from you. UL industries is one of many private companies that rates the safety of electrical products sold to consumers. It does a great job considering your claim that companies don't open their doors for inspection. But, I thought only the government could provide such things. I could debunk all of your idiotic bullshit all fucking night but I need some sleep.

  18. Don't forget leaded gasoline. Government kept that crap in our air for far longer than a free market would have been able to. You argue when you don't possess all of the facts. As soon as the public learns of a health hazard, the fight is always with the government to remove it because corporations that make money from the harmful product petition government to protect their interests. Just look at what Monsanto just had our congress pass and the president sign. You are a fucking retard.

  19. Good grief! Another idiot claiming that unless the government provides roads, no roads will exist or only private roads that nobody can afford. Complete and utter nonsense.

  20. Well, BP is screaming uncle. They'll think twice about taking shortcuts. That's if they're allowed to drill in the gulf again.

  21. When aggressors are after you, it is much too late to learn how to use weapons and fight. Having no standing army will also leave our nation defenseless.

  22. he's not arguing against taxation, he's talking about getting rid of wasteful monstrosities like the dept. of energy.

  23. Settle's in? We're already in it. It all happens incrementally. Compare what you used to be able to do when you were younger to what you are allowed to do today? It used to be that you could mail order any type of weapon you wanted. Now you have to jump through hoops just to carry a pistol.


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