Ecology – Rules for Living on Earth: Crash Course Biology #40

Hank introduces us to ecology – the study of the rules of engagement for all of us earthlings – which seeks to explain why the world looks and acts the way it does. The world is crammed with things, both animate and not, that have been interacting with each other all the time, every day, since life on this planet began, and these interactions depend mostly on just two things… Learn what they are as Crash Course Biology takes its final voyage outside the body and into the entire world.

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Table of Contents
1) Ecological Hierarchy 02:01:2
a) Population 02:12
b) Community 02:26:1
c) Ecosystem 02:50
d) Biome 03:22:1
e) Biosphere 03:51

2) Key Ecological Factors 04:07
a) Temperature 05:06:1
b) Water 05:37

3) Biome Type 06:03:1

References/Image Licenses:

crash course, biology, ecology, hank green, science, organism, interaction, molecule, environment, hierarchy, Earth, ecological, population, community, predation, cooperation, competition, ecosystem, soil, water, air, temperature, energy, materials, physical environment, biome, technique, adaptation, condition, evolution, biosphere, biotic, abiotic, predator, animal, plant, food, shelter, moisture, sunlight, elevation, category, chemistry, enzyme, photosynthesis, physiognomy, biodiversity, tropical rainforest, tundra, desert, grassland, taiga, human impact Support CrashCourse on Subbable:
Video Rating: / 5

Learn about the biosphere, ecosystems, communities, populations, organisms, habitats, niches, generalists, specialists, biotic and abiotic factors in this video!

40 thoughts on “Ecology – Rules for Living on Earth: Crash Course Biology #40”

  1. This is great vid, and I use it in my class, but I must point out one significant error… You discuss 'generalists vs specialists' and point to the weaknesses of specialists without discussing their adaptive strengths. In abundant environments, such as a rainforest or jungle, being a specialist often provides adaptive advantages. 'Generalists vs specialists' is therefore a function of species, niche, and environment – and one is not blanketly more or less resistant to extinction that the other. Even in a basic video such as this, it's important to be clear, and not be misleading.

    That said, it's still one of the best intros out there! I just wish this little piece were fixed up a bit. Cheers!

  2. A point to note: An organism isn't referred to as a single 'animal', but rather an animal, plant, bacteria or anything that possesses the characteristics of life.


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