Florida it’s Illegal to Power Your Home with Solar Panels—Thanks to Lobbying

Read the full story here – http://bit.ly/2wFdKo2

With roughly 1.5 million Floridians initially without electricity from the damage inflicted on Florida’s energy infrastructure, many in the Sunshine State are now questioning why it’s so difficult for people to utilize solar energy.

The simple answer is that one of the major electrical suppliers in the state – Florida Power and Light (FPL) – has utilized a massive lobbying campaign, directed at state lawmakers, to create legal barriers to disallow people from powering their own homes with solar panels without being subject to power companies.

Read the full story here – http://bit.ly/2wFdKo2

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Solar energy usage has grown dramatically over the last few years. How does new tech better harness the sun’s power?

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40 thoughts on “Florida it’s Illegal to Power Your Home with Solar Panels—Thanks to Lobbying”

  1. Its a cool video but the communist state bullshit ha, this guy clearly doesn't understand what the definition of the word communism is.

  2. How about The AMISH, THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY SUPPLIED POWER TO THEIR HOMES PERIOD!! How about connect up to their power but have a transfer switch that disconnects the electric co power!!!!!!!!!

  3. This story is totally fake news conspiracy bullshit. Why would you want to disconnect from the grid. The power company is mandated to pay you for any power that you put back into the system. On top of that there is a statute that prevents power companies from preventing the use of solar panels. Oh wait there's more. there is no legal requirement to connect your solar panels with the grid or that you shut them down when the grid is down.

  4. Only America can this shit happen. Oops! ….forgot to mention certain states you cannot catch (harvest ) rainwater. RAINWATER!!! How the Americans live for all that BS is beyond me. Big thumbs down!

  5. Why is an event that is socialist in nature called crony capitalism in the first place? How do you make a law on trade and call that action capitalism? Not being a smartass, honest question.

  6. you're not understanding the only way to get around these frauded light man laws is to not have a Social Security number by having a social security number you are a corporation and you that's must cooperate with corporations. I water company, electricity company ,land company

  7. Take a lesson from Hurricane Ravished Puerto Rico.
    Florida get yourself solar panels and vote your present government officials out of office.
    Take them to federal court and sue the shit out of them.

  8. Anyone in Florida who needs protection from governments, and municipalities can contact the American Civil liberties and Justice Militia, they will fight to protect your freedom with military force.

  9. I have many solar panels and have plans to install them. I live in Florida… I also know of an instance where a man wanting to install solar panels was turned down by people claiming it as an eye sore. A flea market in Fort Myers is covered with solar panels… It is NOT Illegal to put up solar panels. Code enforcement will attempt to claim them as an eyesore but that is not difficult to circumvent. Moreover, the power companies in America are required to purchase you extra power, of course, they buy it at a much lower price… So much lower that you lose money and they make money AND if your grid goes down… The power sells you power at a higher price than if you do not have solar panels… The workings on this issue is so corrupt that it could never hold up in court… If the person actually knows solar power and I Do!!!

  10. no one can tell anyone what to do in these cases so FK them just do it!!! Tell your cowardly neighbors to stand up for people's rights

  11. Anyone remember the stories of the miners tokens where they were paid in tokens that could only be spent in their stores welcome to america everyone, if the same person controls the money the pay and the cost were all screwed history repeats itself

  12. Here in America you have NO rights. Don't take my word for it, google Japanese Americans 1942.
    In 1942 the Japanese Americans had their rights taken away when they needed them the most.

  13. It’s illegal to Grid tie your solar but you can install solar. Who wants to Grid tie anyway. Emergency Solar is just that. Not meant to Grid tie.

  14. We lived in floriduh. I find Florida to be an expensive and grubby kick you when you are down state. Florida very manipulative. And You not a floridiot unless you been to jail. So we took our family to much better state of TEXAS. And i can feel the freedom already. Its feels great. And a much better economy in Texas. I hope texas smartens up and separates from rest of the United States.

  15. Costs 30c per kwhr in battery storage costs due to wearout. The grid can absorb power and use it then give you credit for use later. It's a good deal.

  16. Thin film is a bad technology. In the early days of solar (2007) thin film was significantly cheaper than polycrystalline panels but as manufacturing practices improved crystalline panels have reigned supreme. Relative to coal power, solar power would be fairly expensive if this were a true economic playing field.

  17. people new to this channel thought this is a science channel

    when they checked this channel they be like… "whats all of these…?"

  18. how can we the corporation make a constant stream of income of a thing that is free… and that is why they do not really invest in it

  19. In 2013, solar energy accounted for just over 0.3 percent of U.S. energy consumption. Why mislead stating how much it's grown in 5 years ("skyrocketed" from .03% to .3%)? and then fantasy numbers from the International Energy Agency about solar output in 34 years? Explanations without propaganda, please.

  20. Why not just use free-energy, which the evil NWO criminal elitists stole from Tesla and from the American people? Free-energy is far better than "green energy" such as solar and wind. "Green energy" is such a rip-off, that it is an outright scam.

    Well except for my solar calculator, that well works, but then calculators use almost no power anyway, nor do calculators need to operate in the dark. That is about all that solar is good for.


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