Going Green at Google

Find out how Google is going green by improving operations, building tools that empower users, and investing in a clean energy future. Learn more at http://google.com/green
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A company in Mexico City is working to build vertical green spaces to combat pollution and create beauty. CCTV America’s Franc Contreras reports from Mexico City.

24 thoughts on “Going Green at Google”

  1. you can make your own computer more green by downloading granola software. It's free, it runs in the background, and it won't slow your computer down.

  2. (at)Kopifyer How did you get the thumbs up on this piece of vandal?
    That's what I hate about renewable energy… It just might save your but from oil depletion too! (of course it has to be mass produced in automated factories in order to be cheap enough to cover the thousands of square miles to do any real good.
    But we paved over that much last century for roads, thus should be no problem (once big oil runs out). They'll use coal for the energy required. SO BE NICE DAMNIT!

  3. RE<C will require automated factories for the solar dish, solar PV and LiFePO4 batteries or better.

    Most people now don't realize how "perfect" things still are in this most excellent oil age. They fool themselves that there is no solution past it or even say "solar will never amount to anything" – Rotten seeds from the past! Well, we are now departing the age of oil and need to WARN EVERYBODY that OUR silly ways ain't going to help make RE cheap unless we demand automation… = DIRT CHEAP!

  4. To me, Green means saving energy. Thumbs up! Google 4 going green. N How about at least 1 week per Year, make every channel look the same; black and white.. would that not be GREEN ?

  5. How to be greener: Eat sat fat not trans fat. In fact, trans fat are the kind of fat ppl should avoid. Eating stuff straight from nature (without all of those chemicals) are the best thing you could do. Still, I think it's nice that google's going green.

  6. The shots are all over the place. For example, even though the segment is specific to the columns you showed green walls in Polanco and the Historic Center. No where near that overpass.


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