Real Value | Economics Documentary with Dan Ariely | Sustainability | Social Entrepreneurship

Real Value | Economics Documentary with Dan Ariely  | Sustainability | Social Entrepreneurship

Documentary | Documentaries | Real Value | Award winning economics documentary about how social entrepreneurs are using business to create value beyond profit.

Real Value Documentary Film | Award-winning filmmaker Jesse Borkowski delivers a refreshing meditation on how business can be used to create value beyond profit; connecting motivational stories from social entrepreneurs working in agriculture, apparel, insurance, and biofuel, with the captivating science behind our perception of value from world-renowned professor of psychology and behavioral economics, Dan Ariely.

Real Value is a documentary that follows a growing sentiment among many Americans that the corporate focus on the bottom line has been to the detriment of society. The film serves as inspiration for any business owner, entrepreneur, or customer who is looking to better understand what happens when a business puts people, planet, and profit on equal footing.

The documentary features interviews with Dan Ariely, professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University, and the author of Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, The Honest Truth About Dishonesty, and the Executive Producer of the documentary Dishonesty: The Truth About Lies; Lyle Estill, co-founder of Piedmont Biofuels and the author of Small Stories: Big Changes, Industrial Evolution, and Small is Possible; Eric Henry the president of TS Designs and the recipient of the North Carolina Sustainability Champion Award; Kevin Trapani, the president and chief executive officer of The Redwoods Group, an insurance provider renowned as a leader in corporate social responsibility and named one of the best companies in the world in terms of overall impact by B Lab; and Carol Koury who is the founder and president of Sow True Seed.

Copyright 2014 | Nothing Underground | Jesse Borkowski | Closed Captions | Documentary | Documentaries | Official

20 thoughts on “Real Value | Economics Documentary with Dan Ariely | Sustainability | Social Entrepreneurship”

  1. I'm only about fifteen or so many minutes into this, but I'm digging it thus far. I especially love how it's representing my state, NC, as a state with people who are genuinely concerned about their impact on the world.

    Our state has gotten a bad rap in recent news, and it's nice to see something that shows our state's residents in a more accurate light: solid, caring world citizens.

  2. How this only had 55k views blows my mind. Yes, views don't really come just for amazing content. But even considering that, this is just so appealing to the eye and the ear for it to be ignored. Kudos to Jesse Borkowski, man you are an absolute rockstar. You're not getting enough support from youtube but I hope you're getting it somewhere else and that you keep doing these things.

  3. Well done Jesse, a beautifully paced and inspiring documentary.

    Thank you for taking the time to make this work filled with positive energy.

    Johnnie Lawson

  4. The problem with biofuel is that it is just another carbon pollutant. It's almost a great idea :/  But other than that this is a really interesting and inspiring documentary.

  5. I used to view companies as "evil" in the sense that all they cared about was making a big profit ( Cough EA ) but watching this has made me come to realize that profit is not an evil thing, profit for companies is just like food for people, without it they starve and go under.

    Of course there are companies that do everything they can to maximize their profits without any regard for the effects on everyone around them ( cigarette companies ) but there are companies who wish to do good in the world, But they still have to make a profit, not out of greed but out of necessity. My mind has just been fucking blown by the fact that it took me this long to figure this out!  

    P.S For a moment I was overwhelmed with joy at figuring this out, This was my eureka moment, but halfway through the door with my pants on my heels about to yell Eureka in the streets I realized that this is a NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK moment. Oh well I grew as a person this day and I´m still proud of myself.

    P.P.S Love the music in the background, Soft and soothing ( not sure if that´s redundant, me no speak da English )

  6. I appreciate that they referred to the incident in Bangladesh in which almost 1200 people died when a garments factory collapsed. Social business is the key to success in the 21st century. Unfortunately, not many people realise it. 

  7. Very nice message laid out in this piece. "Serve."  Great work these guys are doing. Not enough people like them… Can it really tip the scale in the long run?  Seems people are too selfish to even save themselves. 

  8. Very glad to have been linked to this. Every angle on guarding our shared 'Sacred values' is valuable. Thank you.

  9. Sure you need to support your community but to say I dont care about poor people in Bangladesh or Mexico is not a sustainable values. They too need jobs and belong to a community. Organic food wont solve the world hunger. I find the document a bit hypocritical in this regard.  


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