Renewable Energy Resources: Part 1 | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science

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Renewable energy resources are being developed because we are running out of fossil fuels at an exponential rate.

The wind is produced as a result of giant convection currents in the Earth’s atmosphere, which are driven by heat energy from the sun. Wind turbines use the wind to drive turbines directly. The blades are connected to a housing, which contains gears linked to a generator. As the wind blows, it transfers some of its kinetic energy to the blades, which turn and drive the generator. The advantages are that there are no fuel costs and no harmful pollutant gases are produced. However, they depend on wind, if there is no wind, there’s no electricity.

Like the wind, water can be used to drive turbines directly. Wave machines use the kinetic energy in this movement to drive electricity generators. Another way of using the water is to build a tidal barrage over a river estuary to make use of the kinetic energy in the moving water. The barrage contains electricity generators, which are driven by the water rushing through tubes in the barrage. Hydroelectric power stations are dams built across a river valley. The water high up behind the dam contains gravitational potential energy. This is transferred to kinetic energy as the water rushes down through tubes inside the dam. The moving water drives electrical generators, which may be built inside the dam. Water produced energy is good because no harmful polluting gases are produced and tidal barrages and hydroelectric power stations are very reliable and can be easily switched on. However, tidal barrages destroy the habitat of estuary species and hydroelectricity dams flood farmland and push people from their homes.
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Green energy is getting better and cheaper, yet we still largely rely on fossil fuels. Why haven’t we switched to solar and wind energy yet?

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Read More:
What Would Happen If We Burned All The Fossil Fuels On Earth?
“A new study published today in Science Advances finds that if we burn all of the remaining fossil fuels on Earth, almost all of the ice in Antarctica will melt, potentially causing sea levels to rise by as much as 200 feet–enough to drown most major cities in the world.”

Who’s Winning The Battle To Replace Coal?
“Coal is losing the battle for the electricity future in the United States. Investment in new coal-fired generating capacity has dried up with its share of electricity generation dropping from 53% in 2000 to 34% in 2015.”

Electricity in the United States
“In 2015, coal was used for about 33% of the 4 trillion kilowatthours of electricity generated in the United States. In addition to being burned to heat water for steam, natural gas can also be burned to produce hot combustion gases that pass directly through a natural gas turbine, spinning the turbine’s blades to generate electricity.”


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Special thanks to Julian Huguet for hosting and writing this episode of DNews!
Check Julian out on Twitter: twitter: #jhug00

40 thoughts on “Renewable Energy Resources: Part 1 | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science”

  1. Expect lower expenses with your home’s energy consumption in the future with generating power method “boma fetching unique” (Google it). Its an excellent place to begin saving cash by making some small adjustments in your home. You can be a person who wants to save the environment or a family man wanting to save on bills, this is certainly among the best methods you`ll have.

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  3. Fucking sick of all these adverts all I want to do is fucking learn physics I swear I've watched more adverts than actual videos

  4. Wind and Solar are not economically viable that is why they are subsidized with tax payer funds unless there's a major jump in technology. Geothermal and hydro are the most promising. and natural gas is a renewable in the form of methane. The carbon pollution from natural gas is very easily converted to a organic form by plants. Carbon pollution from that year will be neutralized by ocean plankton up to 20x estimated by some botanist and marine biologist more carbon then world produces today.

  5. Ironically for Democrats, oil drilling kills for fewer animals than green energy does.

    Windmills decapitate thousands of birds every year and solar panels reflect concentrated doses of sunlight that literally fry thousands more, alive, mid-flight!

  6. Like we're really gonna save the biosphere with diffuse and intermittent sources.
    Seeker failed to mention that since solar has a capacity factor of only about 20%, we'd have to build 5x for it to be on par with FFs. You know, the inverse of capacity factor!_ Plus storage, plus extra for the inefficiency of that storage, I mean, come on, DO THE MATH!
    Solution: molten salt nuclear (and renewables)!

  7. Unfortunately , the Renewable Energy industry is full of half truths and lies. Wind & Solar is "intermittent energy" that has to have additional means to maintain continuity of supply for the National Grid. Intermittent is not "Base Load Power", it requires some other Generating or Storage to cover for when the power output is low – at night, no wind or storms.
    COST of the necessary ""back-up"" System , whether it be Generators OR Batteries must be added to Green Technology,
    (primary cost) of Renewable technology "plus" back-up (secondary cost) OVERALL makes Green Energy too expensive.
    The real cost of Renewable Energy is Not Cheaper but it is the most unreliable and more of it ,,, does not help.

  8. Because cuntservaturds control all our laws/governments. Conservatism = antiscience = antiAmerican = antitechnology =
    pure selfishness & greed & hypocrisy = Holocaust-denier = AGW-denier = antivaxxar = flat-earther = chemtrailertrash.
    Exterminate all conservatives: problem solved.

  9. to keep it short and concise, renewable energy does not and cannot work to provide the power we need. And it is a lot more costly. This cost drives away essential heavy industry and relocates it elsewhere abroad to the detriment of jobs and wealth creation.

  10. If Liberals are so for this, they should power their own house with wind and solar alone. Also dont use fossil fuel cars and air plane. Stop cheating.

  11. When Plato wrote "The Republic" he warned us then about the answer to your question, In fact he was predicting that Republics would fail, Because, to acquire power, men who would place their own interest over the best interest of the Republic would be willing to do what no man of principle would.

  12. Because our representatives are bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry. The majority of them are called Teapublicons. And both parties are hell bent to keep Progressives out.

  13. Coal plants in Australia are shutting down because they are not profitable. Solar and wind makes more profit. We have storage sorted out too with hydro and Tesla batteries.


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