simpleshow explains the Carbon Footprint

simpleshow explains the Carbon Footprint

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about climate change and how you should reduce your carbon footprint. But what’s that exactly? Just like an actual footprint, it’s a mark you leave upon the environment. No, not with your shoes but with every action that releases “Carbons”. Those are the harmful gases, such as Co2, which are pumped out by burning fossil fuels, like oil or gas. And the more fuel is used, the bigger your footprint will be. You may think that by driving your car, the only carbons you release come from the engine, but no. Consider the carbons that are emitted just to get fuel into the tank: From the energy needed to extract the oil from underground, the pollution caused by transportation and refinement, to the final delivery to your local petrol station. Not to mention the Co2 released by manufacturing your car in the first place. More than you thought, eh? So unless you live in a cave; you and everything you own has it’s own carbon footprint: Read a book — Printing and distributing it uses energy. Brush your teeth and your tools will have a history in a factory. Even something as basic as an apple could have travelled hundreds or even thousands of miles to end up in your local supermarket. You see, it’s pretty much impossible to leave no carbon footprint behind. But by thinking about your actions and personal choices, maybe you can make your feet just that little bit smaller and really help to put the boot into climate change.
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20 thoughts on “simpleshow explains the Carbon Footprint”

  1. well i you live in a cave and light up a stick well that stick came from a tree or plant then lighted with something which has a small history probably then the co2 released in the air which causes global warming.

  2. Superb.. Just what I needed.. My seminar Guide (an old gentleman..) does not understand the concept of CFP. I tried so many times with different examples but I failed miserably. He would ask me " this (draws a building block on a paper) is my buildings' outer foot print, now draw here where is this CFP!!" God.. I hope he gets a little bit of an idea of what I am failing to make him understand.. :/

  3. (He should have continued in his "health class" style voice) – "That is why the Pope (false prophet), and Obama (antichrist) are going to use this lie of climate change to put a chip in your right hand or forehead to track your every movement. We will call this "progress" when the truth is, it is the mark of the beast and Lucifer is running the planet, and wants to be your savior via Obama. Have a nice day". Something like that .

  4. I drive a 7.3 powerstroke diesel and roll coal all the time. Fucking liberals. Why dont you all just kill yourselves, that will reduce your carbon footprint. Pussies. 

  5. I like! Wish it was a little longer explaining existing alternative energy in use worldwide (marginalized) but coming along. 


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