Soil vs Compost What’s the Difference

There seems to be a lot of discussion about the difference between soil and compost.
In this video I will explain the difference.

En el vídeo de hoy te muestro como preparo compost en mis 3 composteras totalmente caseras y funcionando a la perfección. Desde mi punto de vista preparar compost es algo obligado si te gusta el huerto ecológico.


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38 thoughts on “Soil vs Compost What’s the Difference”

  1. Earth not dirt ! ['Words have meaning'; so true !] [This is in no way a criticism of the video above. He gets it ! 'Grow Your Heirlooms' is inspirational. Thank you for sharing. P.S. This guy is like the Dennis Hopper of gardening ! OK; a slight stretch!]

  2. THANK YOU! you just clarified dozens of questions for me in a few minutes. 4 years ago when I started a perennial garden, I had not much of any idea of what I was doing. I'd heard that newspaper, wood chips and manure was great for controlling weeds. I also didn't want to dig out a bunch of grass … I marked off my area, dug holes for the plants I'd purchased, buried with triple mix,, I then covered the grass with a thick (8 -10 pages) layer of newspaper soaked in water, spread it all over the grass then covered it with sheep manure compost and wood chips. I now have great soil with worms where it was once clay. This year I got scared because I planted more in what is now about 80 sq meters of perennial garden using the sheep compost – thought it would be too strong for it but your video just totally reassured me (whew).

  3. excuse my language but… you are Fuc*ing awesome! thank you, you have no idea how many youtube videos i have watched just to get all this info you gave in this one video, and you explained it perfectly and made sense thank you thank you thank you.

  4. Thank you, you made it so clear. You mentioned amending the soil with compost. I'm so interested. I'm subscribing because I'm super new to this whole gardening business. I have a yard that had rose bushes and I want to start all over. The soil seems super hard but you stated just placing compost above and watering. Yet, I want to plant new rose bushes so I need to know how to go about it. Again, thanks!

  5. Not sure I really understand the NEVER ROTOTILL mentality. I have been planting a vegetable garden in my Jersey residence for 10 years. First thing I always do in the spring before putting the plants in the ground is till the heck out of it. Beyond successful garden every year. I can't imagine getting better results than I do.

  6. Regarding the no-rototilling thing– does this include and initial tilling to start a new bed? We bought a new house last fall, I came home one day and my husband and son rented a tiller and had a grand old time tilling up a couple of garden patches for me. So far, things are growing well. Also, thanks for the soil vs compose explanation!

  7. I am a recent convert to the no rototilling way of gardening. Now I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but if you don't till in the compost you are basically growing in compost.

  8. It would be of interest to note that plants do not need soil or compost to grow or the two mixed. The variations and mixtures of compost are so vast that hard and fast rules would be difficult to follow. I suppose that soil make up would depend largely on the rock formation and the vegetable growth at the time. My own soil is a yellow clay and a reddish flint stones. How much goodness is in that soil would need to be tested of course. Now I know that my land was at one time under the sea or at least a large mass of water. great video by the way

  9. My one neighbor used to own goats, as well as chickens, ducks, and rabbits, and would toss the manure and bedding in a spot out back by my place. A few years later, it's now a gold mine for my gardening.

    As it is, I used some of the stuff, as well as some potting soil, in an attempt to try an improve this one spot that was nothing but weeds and junk, as I plan to turn it into a strawberry patch – just sprinkled/poured the stuff on the ground, along with some hay, and now I'm waiting for spring.

  10. if anyone has lived in the country, near a forest preserve or where ever etc. everything grows in just about any soil especially tomtoes, they grow like weedsl. My first year of starting the farm i grew 520 tomato plants and pulled 3-400lbs of tomatoes a week, completely organic, no fertilizer, no sprays or anything. And that ground was thick enough to wet and make statue out of. So, anything is possible. Since then all i've done is add leaves and grass clippings from mowing and tilled it in along with some sand no "composting" for a year with stink and BS. I'm in my 4th year, expanded the farm to 2000 plants with no other amendments, fertilizers or rotation and it is still producing. This year i started my seeds Feb 8th, they are already a couple inches tall in the greenhouse and i can't wait to get them in the ground. unless you live on a rock, tomatoes will grow… and i would even argue that tomatoes will grow in the cracks of a rock

  11. Hola Iván, te consulto; el resultado se lo pongo a las lombrices y obtengo un humus de mayor calidad? Desde ya gracias, saludos cordiales.

  12. muy buenos videos deberias hacer uno sobre como hacer una lombricompostera con materiales reciclados y algunos datos sobre ellas por favor saludos desde México✋👌👌👏👏

  13. Hola, una consulta me prepare un compost ya se descompuso y hay Colémbolos en la maceta. Tengo una planta chiquita, sera problema eso, se comerán mi plantita?

  14. Oye, estaría interesante que hicieras un vídeo explicando las cantidades de los diferentes restos en la composta, me refiero a eso de el balance de nitrogeno y carbono y cosas asi, saludos ivan

  15. Esta bueno el video
    tengo una duda
    Osea tengo que cerrar toda la caja de composta sin que entre aire o como? y si es asi porque tendria que cerrarla o dejar que entre un poco de aire?

  16. hola Iván hace dos meses estoy haciendo compos. lo que hise en u obtenga de cinco litro. Y en otros. se me pudrio digo el olor es orrible… en cambio el que hise en el suelo no tiene olor.
    lo hise por lo de internet. ahora are como usted sin ver mucho cada semana le agregó.

  17. Voy a hacer una compostera a base de palets, osea que ventilación ya tendrá de sobra. pero, debería cubrirla con algo? por encima digo, plástico o algo así.

  18. Hola! Siempre le he tenido miedo a la compostera asi a la interperie mas que nada por la lluvia. Pero tu lo tienes sin problemas. No se te encharca con la lluvia?? Vivo en Una zona donde llueve 11 meses y solo hay sol en 1.


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