Solar-powered car (4-seater) by Solar Team Eindhoven

Solar-powered car (4-seater) by Solar Team Eindhoven creates an energy efficient 4-seater family car to make solar cars sexy and user friendly. The World Solar Challenge encourages teams to push the limits of technology, where the Solar Team Eindhoven won the Cruiser Class at Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia where the car covered 3,000 kilometers all the way from Darwin to Adelaide carrying two occupants at an average speed of 76 km/h. It is the ultimate challenge for solar-powered vehicles. Solar Team Eindhoven contributes to a clean world. Their passion is to develop a solar car that is ready for the market of tomorrow. Imagine a world where cars no longer need fossil fuels, where cars are energy positive. Filmed at the Show!
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Introducing the electric car that charges itself with sunlight, see more at

Lex Hoefsloot, CEO of Lightyear announces our mission.

Dutch company Lightyear launches four-wheel drive solar-powered car able to drive for months without charging.

Currently, all cars of the world combined drive one light year, every year. That is 9.500.000.000.000 km. Every year. Powered by fossil fuels. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of electric cars so that by 2030, one light year will have been driven electric. To that, we are providing a scalable solution.

From a fossil fueled powered light year to a solar powered light year.
twitter: #lightyear_cars
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26 thoughts on “Solar-powered car (4-seater) by Solar Team Eindhoven”

  1. It is quite a beautiful car indeed, I wonder how they made this huge windshield, and if it is street-legal it is probably glass, must have cost a fortune just for tooling?

  2. A great concept. It will need zero fuel ideally. and can make transportation free of cost. how many km it can go on charge a day 40km is quite good. but How much can the battery store? How many km at night. I heard 6km only is that true.

  3. A Volkswagen Microbus shaped vehicle would look better than this flat vehicle – solar cells could also be placed on the sides of the Microbus to grab a bit more power from one side.

  4. its a very good idee, but if this car will actualy be in a showroom for the normal average working class people…
    who wants to drive this?
    in germany a team allready have developed a solar car, and this is a car for everyone! check it: sono motors, and you can allready join for a testdrive!! its called the SION..

  5. Sorry for these disheartening comments. What you guys are trying to do is obviously amazing and something that is the next logical step once we have the solar efficiency, which is only a matter of time.

  6. Awesome!!! a solar powered car, that will cost a fortune and you won't be able to afford one!!! Awesome!! and the environment still be crap as it is now…. Awesome!!! oh yeah I forgot "Spoiler" sarcasm was activated when I typed this…

  7. Good luck. Even at 100% efficiency, and the majority of the car covered with PV's, that still wouldn't be enough to add a reasonable charge to the battery (Assuming it's a normal car, and not a super light impractical car). Solar assistance is nice though.

    Want a solar powered car? Install solar panels on your home and buy an EV.


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