The biggest environmental problem you’ve never heard of

The biggest environmental problem you’ve never heard of

Plastic pollution is devastating marine wildlife and risking human infertility, birth defects and cancer. Find out why our unlikely saviour could be a 21 year old from Holland.

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18 thoughts on “The biggest environmental problem you’ve never heard of”

  1. Great Idea.
    I hope it is a huge success and makes huge profits ..
    sending the message out to the rest that you can help the planet and still make profits ….

     They picked the best and worst time to start the project ….
    Best time Because the sooner the better …But the worse time all so because 2016 going to be a really bad year for weather effects due the El nino

  2. Collect, transform into large plastic block to create a floating city. Open future feeding of the pollution from the old ways.

  3. Can't believe you shit-heads disliked this video. This is generation doesn't give a shit about shit. Thank you Slant, thank you for figuring out one of this planets many problems.


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