16 thoughts on “The Mandela Effect and the nature of Reality explained in a film made in 1981”

  1. Give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me the money my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back my time give me back. My time… You mother f***… No but seriously keep up the good work….

  2. Sorry, this is unrelated to the direct video, but can you explain the theory behind Mandela Effect to me when some people remember something one way but not other things. Like for example, I do remember Berenstein and Chik-Fil-A rather than Chick-fil-a and I remember learned Mandela died in the 80s, BUT I remember other things the "normal" way. Can you explain to me or point me in the direction of a video that would explain why I remember some Mandela effects but not others?

  3. I remember seeing this movie in an art- house in SanFrancisco in 1981 and having my whole inner world rocked off it's foundations.
    I was only 18, but man o man was this a powerful influential piece.
    I remember leaving the theater altered.
    And reflecting on the very last line of dialogue from Andre Gregory while thinking about my son who was to be born some 17 years in the future.

  4. That is an awesome scene with an awesome script. It's so true, technology can lull us into a false sense of secuity. It's like we all don't realize sometimes how much we have hung on electricity! We basically have put 99.9% of our lives on electricity. Our entire existence relies on it basically. I mean lets face it, if electricity were to be taken away from all of us, just that alone can result in deaths by the millions, considering the Domino effect. In reality, electricity is "the most important" thing in the World; second only to Jesus Christ for those of us that are Christians. Basically, if we lose our electric grid, I wouldn't want to describe what would come after!

  5. ok all you people crave attention to the point of humorous exile because you all are not who you clearly try hard to be on here…..Mandela is dum…. rights and patents after so long go on the market the party who buys these rights and patents can change or manipulate whatever they so fit ….in turn certain titles can be changed do to our need these days to take racial slurs out of society sooooooo people think before you choose to conspire ….and title's of food and candies changing can be explained away by group studies…and socially excepting these subtle changes is more or less brainwashing the future to take away all the bad or unnecessary evils…but in turn is pushing us towards more war and famine….so drink it up and snort it away cause we are doing it to ourselves….instead of craving dirty secrets and half truths and whole lies let's worry about family country and hobbies…..or what have you

  6. This is freaky. Last night (the same day as you uploaded this) my one distinct snippet of a dream that I do remember was trying on an electric blanket. The dream was perhaps in a bed shop or something along those lines. It wasn't my own bed. I remember thinking, this looks fascinating, getting under the blanket and feeling it warming up, then realising it was an electric blanket.

  7. Very interesting. We are in a Dreamworld and maybe the Dreamworld is changing because more people are remembering it that way so it is that way in the Dreamworld. We are so stuck we believe this is the real reality. Very interesting. It made me think of Pan's labyrinth or Inception.

  8. new videos coming soon subscribe to my channel I got some boxes coming up or complementary samples and influenster box which are called voxboxes and pinchme so stay tuned

  9. Technology, the www (aka oracle on the mount), has become the new Tower of Babel. Perhaps the ME is a new way of separating us.


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