The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

The Story of Bottled Water (2010)

The Story of Bottled Water, released on March 22, 2010 (World Water Day) employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand—how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over five minutes, the film explores the bottled water industrys attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call to take back the tap, not only by making a personal commitment to avoid bottled water, but by supporting investments in clean, available tap water for all.

Our production partners on the bottled water film include five leading sustainability groups: Corporate Accountability International, Environmental Working Group, Food & Water Watch, Pacific Institute, and Polaris Institute.

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20 thoughts on “The Story of Bottled Water (2010)”

  1. Could your so called facts be less accurate . $1.99/2000=0.000995 so how is bottled water 2000 times more than tap water? Also your political bias is very overt and obvious. SAD!

  2. I'm in support of the cause, but the information regarding "oil & energy" fuelling a million cars is misleading, deliberate or not. Crude oil is distilled in a fractional distillation. The crude oil is heated until its component hydrocarbons boil and recondense at different temperatures & heights/exits in the distillation stack. A handful of hydrocarbons are produced in the same distillation, including gasoline & naphthaline. Since it's the same process that produces gasoline for cars, and naphthaline as a precursor for PET, a comparison about "how many cars could be fuelled" is nonsensical and misleading.

  3. Excessive lead levels were found in 2000 samples across all 50 states in the US, if i were to go i'd be sure to buy my European bottled water.

    some parts of the US just have a third world water system, always the proud American about everything unimportant yet never ever actually running your own shit right. (false pride, perhaps google the definition)

    And adding fluoride and chlorine to tap water is a disaster for the environment in the long run also.

  4. People are as stupid as they come, all by design. People don't realise the REAL agenda behind the bottled water / Nestles (Government) scam. They are getting everyone to drink the bottled water because it has the new type of fluoride in it (pituitary gland blocker / makes you subservient to the rulers), and other odorless and tasteless population control drugs in it. Some will laugh, yet you just heard the 100% truth just as i just stated it. If everyone is forced to drink from a bottle, then ask, "WHAT'S IN THE BOTTLE"! If you call Nestles ass holes and yet drink bottled water, then think about it, you just called someone an asshole, and then allowed them to drug you. Wink! Whos the dumbass? Think about it: they are purposely making tap water poisonous everywhere (false flag water contamination scams as you have seen time and time again), and yet when you can drink it from the tap, it tastes horrible. Thus you move to bottled water, and boom, you are now on drugs from those bottles. Pretty great scam actually eh. No tin foil hat needed, simply wake up and see what's right in front of you and how you feel and how groundhog day seems to be getting stronger and stronger as you fall asleep more and more and are unable to change your current ways or grow. Disillusioned with governments, but think there is no way to stop them and you vote for the wrong person, only to find out that neither side was worthy of a vote anyhow, and you feel like giving up more and more, and so on. A kept pet with restricted movement type of feeling. Giving up and not giving a shit is part of the drug cocktail effects, the very thing they are after with the medications in the bottled water. Once you give up fighting, then you will start to become happy with being ruled over by the wealthy, the rulers. You will fall deeper and deeper via the medications, and then a 100% pure slave you will become. Be wary of what you are drinking, and check out how you are feeling. Tests were done: make a person very fearful over time, deeply fearful of wars, money, bills, their security in general, and then add the fluoride chemical to that person. The results were: the person becomes unable to fight, deeply suppressed / repressed by nature and becomes VERY easily influenced by suggestions made to them. I.e. mainstream media, adverts, police, politicians, and so on. Exactly the same as very deep hypnosis, yet a hypnosis that you cannot snap out of.

  5. water bottles have had 8 billion gallons drunk in the past 6 months and tap water has been only drunk 4 billion gallons in the past 6 months. P.s everyone drinks water probably even the person that made this video . this video is retarded

  6. the corporate world that believe you should be charged for air, has damaged our water sources so they can charge you for clean water/ chemically induced water, stand up against these companies! stand up against the rich they are killing the planet!!!


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