Types of Greenhouse Gases

You’ve probably heard of carbon dioxide and its effects on the environment, but what are “greenhouse gases”? This video explains the origins and effects of the most common types of these gases.

Cooler, Smarter: Practical Steps for Low Carbon Living.
Union of Concerned Scientists


Flickr Image:
User: BR33, Uploaded March 20th 2008

What Is Greenhouse Gas?

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We hear the phrase ‘greenhouse gas’ thrown around a lot these days, but do you actually know what a greenhouse gas is? Not all of them are bad.

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17 thoughts on “Types of Greenhouse Gases”

  1. Dear Ship Wreck: Your comment shows your lack of study on the subject. Yes water is very abundant but its levels in the atmosphere vary by location and season. This is not the case for the greenhouse gases because their levels are uniform throughout the atmosphere with only small variations. However, as the levels of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increase (which they are) so will the amounts of the water vapor. Thus the level of water vapor is dependent on the temperature which the greenhouse gases are causing to rise. I hope you are now more informed. You are the ignorant one so please know what you are talking about so your comments do not further pollute the minds of others and no it is not a deliberate lie. Global Warming is real. Please study.

  2. H2O ps 97 % of greenhouse gases and the most important–it is thousands of times more important than CO2.  This is either ignorance or deliberate lies.

  3. I guess all of you will shocked as the death goes into a mini ice age that is aready stated. Thggods that be keep fudging the data to make it ONLY appear as we are getting hotter. The Antartc sea ice extent is at a record coverage per NOAA. Don't believe me…please do some research. By any means, I am not saying the things we do to earth are good..they are NOT good, but it IS NOT CAUSING the earth s atmosphere to heat. There is actually a pause in the pause for "global Warming" OH and now they call it CLIMATE CHANGE

  4. "Global warming is real. We should ruin our economy by blowing billions of dollars on trying to fix this totally rel and dangerous problem" -Every retard ever

  5. If you want more Greenhouse Gases, vote for the Republican Party , especially Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz, and suck up to Saudi Arabia and China.


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