WARNING Fracking An Inconvenient Truth Watch Learn about Fracking Shale Gas what they dont say

Fracking An Inconvenient Truth Watch and Learn all about Fracking for Shale Gas . Fracking explained in 3d animation the effects on the earth and its close towns and residents. A MUST Watch film showing why the UK and EUROPE MUST NOT ALLOW this deliberate earth destruction !! please like and get your friends and family to see this NWO crazy world destruction and help stop this suicidal earth destruction ..

A http://www.nibiru-elenin.co.uk/ presentation giving you the best quality and relevant info on all earth space UFO and alien issues.
http://www.the-web-design-hosting-co.com/ production for Nibiru Elenin.co.uk
Video Rating: / 5

20 thoughts on “WARNING Fracking An Inconvenient Truth Watch Learn about Fracking Shale Gas what they dont say”

  1. The ominous music is like out of a movie. The video depicts everything that can go wrong and assumes all companies are not following strict guidelines.

  2. You being such an experienced scientist makes me nervous talking to you, there was not one thing in that animation that can't happen, so what are you getting at. my experience was true my friend that lives in America, it was done close to her home and it was such a bad job, that literally when she turned on her taps there was water coming out of it but you could get it to ignite every half hour or so with a lighter for about eight weeks ,the word fracking is short for fracture, how can you contain something when you have fractured the whole earth just cause you put a pipe straight down it's going to go to the fracture look it's just bleeding sense. granted the situation with my friend was it was done by an inexperienced company, and they were compensated, but I still don't believe in it regardless. it's basically like putting a straw into a sponge putting the sponge into water to get a drink out of the straw expecting the rest of the sponge not to be letting water escape.

  3. it makes sence you know different layers of ground can move, i have a 80 year old well about 12 meters deep in my coutry side residence it's casing has moved quite a bit, it's unusable well but makes a good demonstration how ground is moving in my place 😛 anyways that's a fact so if you drill ddeeeeeeeep and place a tubing it should get damaged in some time.

  4. this video is half truth half conjecture
    good indoctrination for the faux environmentalist type, propaganda level 10/10 + 1 for dramatic music

  5. Why don't these sites mention that the first generation of wildcat frackers is ancient history.  Professional fracking operators don't let these things happen.  Again, we see the very, very few and loud and neglect the overall benefit of fracking.  Sad.

  6. …. these same people 'talking out their behind', still drive, heat their homes, use every type of plastic they can get their miserable hypocritical hands on and REFUSE TO GIVE ANY OF IT UP!! hahaha IDIOTS!!

  7. I really think the main culprit here is the fugitive methane.. We just really need to crack down on making stricter guns laws to keep these fugitives in jail.

  8. If I hear the jobs argument one more time, I will blow up in flames. Who cares if it creates jobs. We won't have clean air,, water, etc…plus, the cancer epidemic will explode with this. The methane we are spewing is adding to climate change. We won't have an Earth soon to have a job on.

  9. I have several friends testing toxic sites right now, from spills, leaks and contamination of aquifers. Meanwhile Enbridge is sicking oil security on them so they can't document it. But we have ways around that. 😉 The truth is coming out. They will be exposed and the industry CRUSHED.
    Start buying and investing in clean energy, people!!!

  10. The oil/fracking companies are pros at gaslighting the public and creating strawmen cases. Anything from paying provocateurs to pose as protesters and the opposition, then painting them as idiots and "eco-terrorists" to prove their point…. to paying MILLIONS each year to have lobbyists, PR firms and fake scientists defend them, just as Tobacco companies did.
    In fact they both use DCI Group to do it. Many of the trolls in here defending fracking are employed by firms like DCI Group. They're paid to lie. If not paid trolls then oil employees.

  11. A nation that trades its health and environment for money, for few.  When your medical costs begin to rise the Oil & Gas industry will not be paying.  When your property values fall, the Oil & Gas industry will not be paying, and when the environmental clean-up bills are dumped onto the public, guess who will be paying.The Halliburton Loophole: In 2005, the Bush/ Cheney Energy Bill exempted natural gas drilling from the Safe Drinking Water Act. It exempts companies from disclosing the chemicals used during hydraulic fracturing. Essentially, the provision took the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) out of the way.  States regulate their own resource extraction practices – and you can see the results.

  12. i used to work on gas site. so tired of tje lies, what tree hugers forget to tell you every day someone from state and feds are on site making sure we are not leaking anything. we can not even dump cleen water out or we need to do a all out clean up. i bet you same people try to cry that all the steam from coal plants are smoke as well.

  13. So wait, if you don't do things properly, bad things happen, who'd have thought that, its almost like that isn't a good thing for the frackers and its in their interest to not let that happen, it's almost like protesting a damn cause people will die if it breaks, there are issues with fracking but this video does a very poor Job of explaining the actual unavoidable problems associated with it.

  14. What the Frac is the matter with you ? Move the shit to uninhabited areas…off the ocean or deserts…..ya can't do that fracking crap in a farm area ! ?


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