Water Bottling Plant

First day of bottling at Artesian Well

Learn more about the dangers of plastic water bottles on my website here: https://draxe.com/bottled-water-risks/?utm_campaign=Live-Aug-2017&utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_term=plasticwaterbottles

Did you know that Americans buy half a billion bottles of water a week? Even though these bottles may be a faster and more convenient option, they’re also pricey and hazardous to your health.

The soft plastic water bottles you find at the gas station, gym and supermarkets are laden with a number of harmful chemicals, and the longer the water sits in the bottle, or if stored under hot conditions, more chemicals leach into the water. In this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, I share water bottle interesting facts, what’s in these plastics and the dangers of plastic water bottles. Watch to learn more.

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*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

40 thoughts on “Water Bottling Plant”

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  4. hey dr.axe so did you mean the cheap 1$ plastic bottles people often buy or all types of plastic bottles (like the more expensive ones)? if so, then what about plastic containers, etc.

  5. I think it’s fair to say we place undue emphasis on plastic water bottles, while most of us don’t think twice about the huge proportion of our foods that come packaged in plastic. And while most water is placed in BPA-free PET bottles (which may still have some hormone disrupting qualities, opinions seem mixed), I expect many food items are packaged using other, less safe plastics. The point being, this is a far more complex question if we’re being rational about it, and focusing solely on water is missing the forest for the trees.

  6. The best kind of water to drink is distilled water whether it be bought in a gallon container or you have a water distiller at home. I call it Holy water. It is so pure and clear, tastes great, and is the healthiest water to drink. Do not buy Smart water. I saw a video on it where a scientist put electrical units in it to show its impurities and the water turned as black as mud. It looks clear in the store but it is highly toxic. Tap water showed some impurities. Faucet filters don't do a good job of filtering. That was proven also. Distilled is the best!

  7. Aside from glass, there is something in every water bottle material that is bad for you. I find it funny when people on here promote stainless steal or aluminum bottles. You know why they taste like metal? Because they also leach bad things into the water!!!

  8. It is hard to find unfluoridated water that doesn't come in plastic bottles, and the filters that supposedly take fluoride out are very expensive. So for someone who doesn't want fluoride in their water but there area has that in their tap water; what is the option?

  9. Oh. I thought this was going to be about how the plastic downgrades in sunlight and poisons the water. Still a good video though. For our recent family trip, we found some glass bottles at Amazon and filled them with water from an actual natural spring near our house. Can't get much better than that. Thank you.

  10. Sooooo what do I do when I'm at work? I work outside doing labor work and I work about 10 to 11 hrs a day. I drink about 6 to 7 water bottles a day. Especially during the summer. My work provides filter water but I wouldn't trust it. So what do you recommend I do in this situation?

  11. I appreciate the topic but this video is useless without a solution and I've read the article Dr. Axe is linking. A filter is what he's suggesting but no hand picked models? You're not helping us if you can't share what you do personally for yourself in this situation!


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