WHY SOLAR POWER SUCKS // bus life problems

WHY SOLAR POWER SUCKS // bus life problems

Don’t get us wrong — we LOVE solar power & think it’s an awesome natural resource! However, weather can be unpredictable, which means available solar is never a guarantee while living on the bus. And when you work from home, not being able to charge electronics can create a real challenge.

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**Mr. Heater Portable Buddy:

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More about this video: Thank you so much for watching another LivingZEAL video. In this video we are sharing more about the limitations of solar power, and why it can really suck sometimes. Since moving into our converted short bus conversion we have maintained energy solely by using solar power. Rather than making the bus available for shore power we have chosen to be completely off grid. There are many things we can do to mitigate our current solar power struggles, like purchasing a generator or getting more solar panels mounted to the roof/larger battery bank. Hopefully in the next year we will be able to make some energy investments 🙂 If you have any ideas for us on how to maximize the solar energy we’re currently receiving, please let us know in the comment section down below. We love hearing suggestions from you guys, and learning more from your own experiences with solar energy. Thanks for watching guys!
Video Rating: / 5

We talked to Darrick from over at Handeeman on youtube and got his take on solar. His whole house is run with solar panels for a very reasonable investment amount. I was raised with solar panels but it only ran our fridge and water pump. Make sure to go check out their channel if you want to do it all the way!


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About Dirtpatcheaven:
We are a little Idaho family of four living our dream of self reliance whether traveling the country filming other freedom dreamers or living the dream ourself in a little off grid cabin we finished ourselves. To introduce ourselves we are Julianne (me), Jon (hubby), Paige (my big girl) and Kaia (the baby). We have had a whirlwind adventure the last few years whether we are homesteading, traveling the country in an rv, or living off grid in a tiny house.

37 thoughts on “WHY SOLAR POWER SUCKS // bus life problems”

  1. If I click on your products in the description and then I add it to my shopping list to buy later does it still help you

  2. I see it's already been said. But running a wire to the positive post with an isolator and fuseable links on both ends you may need to just get a higher amp alternator. But you wouldn't be dragging the engine down as much as another alternator

  3. It's not a long term solution but you could get a battery pack like you can jump your car from. Handy for that and also will run your electronics for days. An added bonus is that you might one day need it to jump off the bus. Harbor freight sells some inexpensive ones or you can grab them at most big box stores. Larger capacity ones cost more but last longer between charges. Units start at about $50 and there are good choices for under $100.

  4. Hey guys ! I'm actually doing my own bus conversion right now. This is something I picked up while living in my van (which has no solar) to help charge / deal with electrical needs. It's just a giant battery ! Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IW408R0?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf

    I bring it in with me and charge it at coffee shops / friends houses, even my gym while I'm working out ! Hope it helps 🙂

  5. A small gas generator would allow charging on days like this. They can be bought quite affordably at places like HF. I know it's not as green as solar, but your current situation requires you to burn fuel anyhow to drive to some place to plug in.

  6. It looks like you went with the flexible panels. I am hoping that the vinegar water wash keeps the blue haze from building up. Do you ever see the blue haze on your panels? I want to get the flexible panels for my THOW, but am hesitant. Ps:it’s been raining here in RI for days as well!

  7. Not sun enough ?
    – When the bus does not roll, use a generator to recharge your batteries.
    – When the bus is running, use the engine alternator to charge (it may be necessary to install a more powerful alternator).
    – More complicated, but not so much if you do not automate the installation: Install a system so that the solar panels follow the height and the run of the sun. The set would rest on a turntable. The panels could bow either with a jack or with a rod equipped with several holes.

    Lot of sun ?
    – Install reflective panels on windows exposed to radiation.
    – The energy provided by the tilting panels in sufficient quantity is enough to operate an air conditioner.

  8. Isolators are always a great option to aid in the charging of your batteries, but I would like to suggest creating at least one Magrav unit to add to your electrical setup – it will generate plasma specifically, but it will ACT as electricity, powering everything, and travels thru the wires like electricity does so you would not need to make any electrical adjustments. I'm not positive HOW exactly you would need to attach it to your setup (perhaps to the batteries directly, as an input?) but I know there IS a way to set it up as an infinity loop, so it generates ALWAYS, and then you don't NEED more solar, as whatever electricity you draw from solar TELLS the plasma how to act, what form/action to take, and it will begin and continue to function as electricity does. I realize I sound nuts, but do some research online and you will see I'm very serious – it's a REAL THING! This is new plasma technology from the Keshe foundation; you can purchase a magrav unit directly from them, BUT they are an open-source company that allows people from around the world to study and learn from their classes, and there are already many videos on YT that show students who have studied some of the info and made their own magrav units, which is the whole point – free (plasma)energy! Here's an example of someone who made a unit to peak your interest; but I encourage you to look into it more, as it's free info that will give you free energy! And it's all DIY if you want to go that route, easy >> youtu.be/VO7ATQtU_hg

  9. I think many people size their system based on good summer conditions. If you're living all year round, you really need as much solar as your roof/wallet can handle. Combined with a big battery, you can survive for days of bad weather, rather than 1 day. I think shore power is important too, then you can recharge your battery easily when you do get desperate.

  10. The heat issue can be mitigated by solid panels, rather than flexible. Having a layer of panels above your roof, with an air gap between means you basically have a big shade on the roof. It also lets the panels work more efficiently as they are cooler with the air underneath them.

  11. I'm going to be doing some serious overkill with my solar. I'm going to have a full sized bus and i'm going to have just shy of 2 000 watts of solar 24 volt with 930 amp hour battery bank 24 volt. If you do go to add more panels to your roof from what i understand make sure you get the exact same model of panel. 'apparently' mixing panels isn't good something about needing very similar amperage and voltage output from each panel.

  12. forget the solar lol. yal should be trying to make a beautiful baby.. come on is raining its cold and yal just got married so enjoy the weather..

  13. Yep need more panels, another battery and it would help to be able to tilt you panels towards the sun. I had six panels on my fifth wheel on aluminum frames on my roof. The frames were made of aluminum angle and could be unbolted at any two corners to tilt toward the sun.

  14. I saw another bus build they added a dedicated alternator that charged the batteries while the engine ran.

  15. I watch Handeeman all the time because I run some of my house off solar and upgrading little by little…very informative! THX, Julianne!

  16. So much 'double-speak' makes it extremely hard to separate the grain from the chaufe… bottom line – it's all about a big enough energy storage battery bank to meet your needs… then sizing components, i.e. inverter wattage accordingly to handle your live operating load… consider Nickel-Iron (NiFe) Edison batteries that last 50-100 years… yes they are expensive and heavy BUT THEY ARE THE LONGEST LASTING ECO FRIENDLY BATTERY… just change the low cost potash electrolyte about every 7-10 years for $100 which will renew your storage bank back to it original full AmpHour capacity. Now that you know a bit more… keep on studying…

  17. I have watched a few of his videos, not only are they very informative but I'm glad he went to great lengths to give correct information!

  18. This was fantastic information! We have been wanting to go solar… it's a little further down the homesteading to do list right now. Subscribed to his channel, thanks for sharing 🤗

  19. We really enjoyed meeting him at Baker Creek too. We just Subscribe to him, so we have a lot of binge watching lol


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