Another Reason To Skip Organic Produce

Everyone tells you that pesticide-sprayed produce will give you cancer and plague you with other health problems.

Recommendations to pay more and go organic abound in health food circles, but is there really science to back up the claim? As I’ve discussed previously, not really.

In this video, the fifth of its series, I delve into another reason why pesticide-sprayed produce won’t harm you.

We look at the work of Dr. Bruce Ames, a long-time crusader against harmful chemicals, and inventor of the Ames test which correctly identified formaldehyde and several other carcinogens as toxic to humans.

Ames doesn’t think the small quantities of synthetic pesticides on fruits & veggies are anything to worry about, and he explains why in a way that you’ll find really interesting.
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20 thoughts on “Another Reason To Skip Organic Produce”

  1. The other topic related to pesticides and herbacides is the endocrine disrupters(estrogen mimicking compounds). Sadly we see these compounds on our food, clothes, plastics, and in so many things we come into contact with or consume.

    Also while the EWG dirty and clean list is at best a quick scan tool when shopping in the store you can quickly google those foods to get a more detailed breakout of the chemicals being used and what they known toxicity of the substances is that is on the food. So EWG is more of a springboard to get you to more info.

    Lastly as many of your other commenters here have posted if the item today is certified USDA organic you know that it isn't GMO. While the jury is still out on the effects of GMO's directly I personally don't feel like intentionally subjecting myself to be a lab rat. I will leave that to others who are far more trusting of the corporations and money interests that seem to buy whatever they want including the "science" and "governments" that are supposed to protect us.

    I don't know that I even trust the USDA these days and just try to grow more of my own foods in my garden. That way I know exactly what is on and in my food. Never disappointed that way except when those darn bugs also find my produce is quite good to eat before I get to eat it. We just have to learn to share! LOL

  2. great stuff! may I ask what you think about the environmental impact of large scale conventional pesticides being spayed especially on crops like bananas vs organic?

  3. Thank God! Some Common-sense and Scientific-sense on the topic of "organic " food! The organic industry has done a fantastic PR job of convincing the great, uneducated, public that "chemicals" are BAD …. ignoring the fact that EVERYTHING is a "chemical" — water, air, soil etc etc.
    If YOU are an "organic" devotee, take a look at the USDA/EU regulations for "organic" food and you'll see that "organic" farmers use just as many pesticides, insecticides etc as conventional farmers … they just use different, OLDER chemicals, since the people who invented the idea of " organic" farming (a bunch of British aristocrats in the 1920s, many of whom were European Fascists and followers of the German Nazi Party — see the "History of the Organic Movement", where all the sordid details are revealed!) seem to think that anything invented after about 1913 is BAD, and anything used before 1913 is GOOD.
    ORGANIC farmers use Rotenone (Derris), Copper Sulphate, BT Spray (a type of Germ Warfare — if they'd found it in Iraq it would have PROVED Saddam had WMDs!), Pyrethrum, Strychnine, Arsenic … and dozens of "natural" products that are FAR, FAR, FAR MORE DANGEROUS than modern, tested farm chemicals!
    Keep up the good work!!!

  4. Solanine is naturally present in greenish part of potatoes but disintegrates if you fry them. Solanine causes nausea and vomiting and that's because every living organism has defense adaptations, not just animals like skunks. It's just the way it is.
    Nature has antethesis for its benefits.

  5. Fool! These GMO's are Nano delivered and the gyphosates chelate essestial minerals from the body, especially wrecking havoc on the reproductive system. I don't trust the orgasmically organic produce either at the grocery store, but I don't think that they are nearly as contaminated. Support your local organic farmer, or better yet – GROW YOUR OWN FOOD!

  6. This is great. The issue is really just mass-production. Organic or synthetic, too much of anything is a bad thing. Moderation is key. Grow your own food or buy local.

  7. So Basically to sum it up is. Organic is BULLSHIT. Just watch Penn and Tellers Bullshit episode on organic fruits and vegetables. People have been brained washed into thinking organic is so healthy for you. Studies have proven that organic no more better for you than eating regular fruits and vegetables. But People don't care it's become this cult thing. The organic cult. People will pay any price if it says organic they will fork over money that's 50% more expensive than just buying regular fruits and vegetables.

    Just buy regular and wash your fruits and vegetables in the kitchen sink. Your tap water has more harmful chemicals in it than your fruits and vegetables. There are over 300 million Americans in the United States if they just eat organic fruits and vegetables than only about 200 million Americans will get some. 100 million Americans won't get any fruits and vegetables. But theres more than enough non organic fruits and vegetables to go around for everyone.

  8. First of all, some organic produce dont have any pesticides used at them at all ! Second, you show NO DATA that organic pesticides used in the amount in organic agriculture is toxic.

  9. if these GMOS dont hurt people go get a bottle of Glyphosate or another form of pesticide and drink it and well see just how toxic these substances are…

  10. You don't show any hard factual data or links to experiments indicating the validity of what you are saying. I'd be interested to know more otherwise. From what I have read in 'Handbook of Toxicology, Classes of Pesticides', edited by Wayland J. Hayes, Jr., is that hyperpigmentation and hirsutism has occurred with field workers, where pesticides, exist. The same thing is shown in 'Human Toxicology of Pesticides' by Fina P. Kaloyanova, M. A. El Batawi. Other physical ailments are mentioned, some extremely serious and others less so. Data on Herbicides and fungicides as well as Pesticides are displayed. Chronic exposure effects are again shown in another book 'Pesticides and Human Health' by W.H. Hallenbeck, K.M. Cunningham-Burns.

  11. Your POV sounds logical.
    BTW, I've noticed a resemblance to the style of Dr. Michael Greger during the part of your vid analyzing scientific studies. 😉

  12. Hi Andrew. I viewed a webinar out hosted by someone at Functional Formularies today on Glyphosate which discussed how glyphosate prevents plants from producing key amino acids (disrupting the shikimate pathway) which are essential to producing various antioxidants and polyphenols, thereby making produce sprayed with glyphosate less nutrient dense. What are your thoughts on this? Have you seen any science on this?

    No evidence? How about a couple of peer-reviewed, meta-analysis (encompassing 170 and 342 peer-reviewed studies indicating less toxins and more key nutrients?) Would that by any chance count as evidence???

    ARTICLE: Is Organic More Nutritious? New Study Adds To The Evidence (February 18, 2016)
    EXCERPT: " For instance, organic crops had about 50 percent more anthocyanins and flavonols compared with conventional crops. Anthocyanins are compounds that give fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, their blue, purple and red hues."

    "The study finds that organic dairy and meat contain about 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids. The increase is the result of animals foraging on grasses rich in omega-3s, which then end up in dairy and meats. The findings are based on data pooled from more than 200 studies"


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