Changes in Solar Cell Technology – Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2016

Changes in Solar Cell Technology - Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2016

A laser-based manufacturing process from the Fraunhofer ISE in Freiburg, Germany is revolutionizing the photovoltaics market. For the first time point-contacted solar cells can be manufactured in series. Several million cells with significantly higher efficiency
levels are already on the market.
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13 thoughts on “Changes in Solar Cell Technology – Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2016”

  1. it always has to be some guy in the US to start a world changing technology, after which europes is like – ME TOoo. F U europe! you have a lot of smart , good intentioned people , more than anywhere else in the world, but you shit on them with huge taxes and regulations so much so that they can't take a fart without having to write 3 pages to justify it…bureaucracy kills europe. when the fing pope tells you that, you know it's serious and Fed Up

  2. 1. Cellphones
    2. Autonomous cars
    3. Cheap oil
    4. Legal cannabis (cheap medicine, cheap recreation… free?)
    5. Legal hemp
    6. High efficient batteries
    7. P22-HYD
    8. High efficient solar cells
    9. Abundant food
    10. Abundant steel

    And…… what are we complaining about? Gotta find sumptin' to complain about. Nevermind standing there, drinking a beer, smoking a bowl, walking to the beach to look at bikinis, and reading books.

  3. Great news, but governments won't have a bar of it ? I did some experiments with solar panels powering them up without the sun …I also want to stay alive !!!

  4. I think solar cell manufacturers should be working intimately with building architects. Why not make it standard for all skyscrapers to generate a minimum amount of their own power through solar energy?


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