20 thoughts on “Environmental Tips – How to Go Green”

  1. FCK MOTHER EARTH you morons who buy into this stupid (earth worshiping) B.S are BEYOND dumb. NASA even says that %90 of the earth's greenhouse gasses are caused by its own valcanos which erupt (continuously). We are just pi$$ ants on a hill and will never be able to destroy the earth and to think that we can is pure arrogance and stupidity.Now im going to go litter and murder a tree (just to piss you off) and the best part of all? There is absolutely nothing ANYone can do about it DUMBA$$E$.

  2. I have no idea what's up with water bottles. I have NEVER had to buy bottled water in my life. I just don't get it! You have tap water!

  3. That should be an eye opening experience for all of us. High time we make a conscious effort to save our planet. Infra Pages, India's first search directory on equipment related to infrastructure wholeheartedly calls for unification of people around the world to go green.

  4. (at)mrvendetor go green is bullshit what about china take a look at china if you want to bitch. I ain't using your bag and did you know plastic is a by product of refining oil.

  5. people exhale Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2, in a political move, was ruled to be a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gasses contribute to "global warming." Therefore, global warming alarmists should go green by skydiving without a parachute so as not to contribute to further global warming. 😀


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