20 thoughts on “Global Warming, What You Need To Know, with Tom Brokaw”

  1. +Climate State
    What an absolute bunch of bullshit. You know this is not the case, yet you continue to troll this drivel. You are the terrorist. You are the con man. You are are the assassins.

  2. Those who do not want global warming are racists! Why? Because if the climate warms, it will not snow! Snow is "white" so that makes the weather racist!

  3. yes, it's hard to imagine extinction, CO2 emissions have decreased 1% per decade, loss of habitat, we r witnessing the 6th extinction, fire and floods across the globe this summer. 2100 is a dream cc is on an abrupt scale, not linear. storms like humans have never seen as seas warm. A little icing on the cake will be the 99 nuc plants in the usa

  4. Global warming is caused by pollution when the these pollution that are in the atmosphere thy suck heat from the sun the heat degree of the atmosphere rises increasing to the heat capacity of pollution making our climet hot and unaturlal and a way to solve the global warming is to make a sound wave device because heat is like a state of being of the environment and the science behind the sound wave device is that it can make heat vanish by destroying the the bonds that keeps heat active once they're destroyed by a sound wave device that make sound waves on a cetrin frequency the bonds will be broken making heat dead and gone and there it is global warming is solved

  5. Atlantic Ocean, july 2017….the ocean level rose one foot today. this could be a disaster. One foot in one day = 365 feet in a  year. Using this data we are doomed. Oh wait a minute, the water level fell after a few hours, and coastal residents tell us that it happens twice a day. Scientists in their inland cities ignore the latter half, and use the data from the rise only….the earth is flat and any extra water falls over the edge… yes now I understand…Brokaw is a well known scientist, we can surely trust the media.

  6. This is a 2006 video. The problem is much clearer, and easier to solve, today, because of astonishing advances in solar and wind technology and battery technology. If only our government would take swift action, we can slow and then stop emissions and global warming.


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