Irrespirable (documentaire sur la pollution de l’air)

Chaque jour et durant toute notre vie, nous inspirons 12 kg d’air. Soit une dose nettement supérieure à la quantité journalière d’aliments que nous absorbons. D’où l’importance cruciale de respirer un air propre. Ce qui n’est évidemment pas toujours le cas. Un peu partout, l’air est lourdement chargé en polluants qui peuvent être responsables de maladies, dont le cancer. Premières incriminées, les particules en suspension sont de fines particules solides composées d’un mélange de microparticules qui peuvent flotter dans l’atmosphère pendant des jours et des jours et parcourir de longues distances. Pour écarter tout danger, les experts recommandent un abaissement des valeurs limites applicables et des mesures efficaces.
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We can define pollution as contamination or spoiling of air,soil and water by discharging harmful materials in them. This happens due to various reasons, most of which are in control of humans.Re-cycle ,Reduce and Reuse are 3 Rs suggested by environmentalists to prevent further damage to our environment.

30 thoughts on “Irrespirable (documentaire sur la pollution de l’air)”

  1. Alors premiere affirmation est ce que c est les million de voleur qui on construit ces autos deuxieme affirmation 5 place dans une auto la plus part des gens son seul au volant troisieme affirmation ils tourne tous en rond comme des million de mongoliens!!!!!!!!!!

  2. roulez en vélo bande d'enculés , tueurs , assassins ! stop l'épandage ! et les industries polluantes à strictement controler , aucun écart permis

  3. ben ouais mais bon on fait chier les fumeurs dans les bars et les restaurants, surtout dans les grands villes où plus de la moitié des gens dont beaucoup de non fumeurs voient pas le problème à rouler en bagnole

  4. Awesome video! It's really important to teach the children how to care for the environment. We should build up some idea on how both parents and educators can teach kids about the environment. I'd like to share a website i.e which is for children and adults that care about the environment! This has compiled a set of games: action games, puzzle games, trivia and other fun games – which all are focused on ecology, the environment and the future of our planet.

  5. The video explains Pollution in a very understanding manner. The different types of pollution , it’s causes and effects .The ways of controlling pollution by the 3 R formulas is put forward in the best way . Animations add alot of interest in the viewers and the video is very informative .

  6. A topic which is vry common now adays, n good explanationn vry intrsting to watch.Stdnt wil grasp dis information vry quickly.

  7. interesting video…nicely explained about pollution and it's type
    m sure everyone will understand the concept pollution clearly by looking at the video

  8. Lovely video… Helps educate young children to know what is pollution and what are the different kinds of pollution … Explained the concept very well..

  9. Very nice video, easy to understand the concept of pollution. All types of pollution's are explained with clear n simple language using animation​…I loved 👍

  10. I like this video it's very essay to understand for kids .I possibly uses this video in my future lecture.and it's easy to teach child with the help of this video what is pollution nd it's types nd prevention.


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