Residential Home Wind Turbine

http://www.WINDENERGY7.COM – – Residential Home Wind Turbines? Home wind turbines are our specialty. Buy a home wind turbine kit from our site. Fill out our contact form and I can connect you with the home wind turbine dealer for your area. There are still areas open for new dealers to become the local source for wind/solar systems. So, if you are interested in becoming a home wind turbine dealer fill out the Contact Form at – – and we can see if your area may still be open for you to become the home wind turbine dealer for your county.

You will find links to pictures that I have published of home wind turbine rooftop system installations done recently. Some are featured in newspaper articles and so forth. WindEnergy7 LLC has invented and filed for patents on a few of the technologies that make home rooftop wind turbines feasible. We have been busy training and supporting owners and dealers from California to New Jersey over the past couple of years to expand our network of local home wind turbine dealers.

Our home wind turbene systems are Wind/Solar Hybrid, and are qualified for government tax crdedits of 30%. So, for your investment made in these systems the IRS credits you back 30% within one year of purchase. You get 30% back from the IRS. So, basically the government will pay for almost 1/3 of your investment made in your new home wind turbine energy system. This includes all installation costs and expenses and is a real nice start on your investment payback.

Free electricity isnt all you get from a new home wind turbine, as soon as your system is up, you have improved your home value by atleast an equal amount of the investment. Your green energy home is more likely to sell compared to others with no home generation or emergency power system. Think about it. Look at homes for sale.. Can any of them generate their own free electricity, how many can compete with such a solid green energy capability like your home wind turbine delivers. Its also an attention getter and will bring people to see what its about if you ever need to sell, your home has a dramatic edge and a higher resale value.

The home wind turbine systems are designed for reliable power output for the next 30 years or so. With every price increase of the utility company power your investment gets better all the time. Utility costs are rising all over and will accelerate over the next few years. We expect the cost of electricity to rise and double over Obamas term in office due to cap and trade and increased regulation and market pressure.

To see more videos of our home wind turbines, go to – – and you can find info about becoming an owner, installer, or dealer of our home wind turbine systems.

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20 thoughts on “Residential Home Wind Turbine”

  1. My ideal is to be completly off grid. Super insulated house with a small pelet stove that also eats water, wind and solar with nikel iron battery starage, well water, a big garden. I would feel much more secure knowing I'm not dependent upon the system

  2. Good Video, Love wind turbines. I wish you showed some output on different days. As amazing as the setup is and I want to Buy it. I need to see Output and other things.

  3. What happens when the shingles need replacing? and how do you prevent leaks from drilling into the shingles?

  4. Sir, can a helium-filled balloon lift that wind turbine up? how much that wind turbine weights? please reply ASAP for my thesis thanks 😀

  5. I love the idea of rooftop turbines especially since I run a small farm and pasture space is very valuable. In our area I can count on both hands maybe a foot too when we do not have wind. Unfortunately our Electric company "Amren" has pretty much bankrupted us …not joking. I wish I could get this kit 🙂

  6. Interesting systems you have there. I'm really interested in trying to save in electricity bills. Lets assume this… I have a desktop computer that is running on a 1000W power supply, a 70" LCD TV that says needs 230W. Assuming that are the only thing using electricity, what kinds of kW number on these turbines would I need to not depend on the utilities company's electricity? Also, at night when we sleep, can we add a car battery to the system in order to store unused energy for the next day? Or there is another type of battery that can store a lot more?

  7. WindEnergy7 – WE DO PAY REFERRALS. Just use our contact form and put in your referral contact. In Dealer Field. Put referral by: your email address. And also create another contact for yourself. If we pop the sale I will give you 5% of the gross sale. WINDENERGY7.COM/contact.php


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