Canada Pulls Out of Kyoto Protocol

As we told you in the beginning of this month, the Durbin summit in South Africa is currently hosting representatives from 195 countries, all for the sake of climate change. Canada’s environmental minister, Peter Kent, had announced that his country will be formally withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol, formally ending the country’s joint-effort at combating climate change. Now when Kent announced Canada’s withdraw, he cited several reasons one of which is the price tag for meeting those target emissions levels.
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20 thoughts on “Canada Pulls Out of Kyoto Protocol”

  1. most of the pollution comes from extraction and production of oil and gas… Everything else is what endorses such an act yes including the computer i wrote this message… Problem is non-renewable resource extraction industries see renewable resources as a loss of jobs… simply not true R&D is the primary cost in any inovative industry and requires lots of brain power. initializing renewable energy sources will require lots of manual labour as well… maintance will require just a tad less…. that is if we focus all our resources on this switch in the shortest amount of time possible… making the switch could actually stimulate the economy… However this would conflict with the pre imposed market from the neo liberalist movement we are balls deep in… renewable energy also means more self sufficient states which goes against neo liberal theory of interconectedness as each country has their own source of renewable energy… wind, water, sun, etc… Neo liberals have now become the new conservatives… Conservatives in it's original sense… the exagerated wealth of the elites will make sure these changes don't occur till they have depleted the resources from the very market they obtained that wealth from…. short sighted hypocrites.

  2. ya'know what also thins the ozone layer?
    the computer you're writing this on, the electricity it runs on,the place you live, and most importantly, YOU!
    you, by definition help cause global warming because you exhale CO2.

  3. So I guess you are those kind of people who would actually die for money? and do you live under a rock? There is clear amount of research proving that global warming is man made, the car you drove is thinning the ozone layer. That is a clear FACT, not a HOAX.

  4. The conservative government is a government representing the corporations not the people. The secret trade agreement and now this, what is next? abolishing the democratic political system?

  5. (at)halfzombiehalfrobot That's unfortunately true. In Montreal last week, protesting students were tear gassed and peppersprayed, including a friend of mine. Worse than what happened at Berkeley CA. Practically no media coverage whatsoever outside Quebec.

  6. This whole thing is just another scheme to rob the wealth of the masses. It is a scam. Money for nothing while reducing petroleum consumption…this is all about money and peak oil.
    The data that led to the conclusion that humans have more control over climate and global temperature than the Sun; had portions falsified to make the statistics (voodoo) show scientific evidence of post industrial revolution warming. Therefore it is bunk…period. If you have to fake data for stats to work out…

  7. The Kyoto Protocol is completely flawed and skewed in favor of the international powers that would impose huge taxes and fines on the taxpayers. The heavy polluters of this world, ie. China and India are rewarded at our expense. High time to have stopped this nonsense.

  8. peter kent,you were an embarrassment to journalism and canada but that wasn't enough for you are an embarrassment to humanity.congratulations.

  9. Global warming and cooling have more to do with solar conditions than Co2. The fear mongoring by this pseudo science is continually be disproven by the worlds top climatologists. You know, the ones that study ice cores to find out what the conditions were like on the planet ions ago. The one's that actually study the sun and how it's condition has an effect on our planet along with the moon and the planets gravitational influence.

  10. (at)jaba987 uhm wut? Where am I making stuff up?
    These are only the most obvious drawbacks from CO2 emission (and greenhouse gasses in general) and should be common knowledge. Please respond with a more coherent response than random circus attacks.

    Now provide actual objections if you actually think I'm talking nonsense.


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