Climate Change Debate: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver hosts a mathematically representative climate change debate, with the help of special guest Bill Nye the Science Guy, of course.

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The Most Disturbing Climate Change-Events We've Seen Yet

Dr. Charles Miller, NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory joins Thom. Over the past few weeks – 71 people have been hospitalized and one child has died following an outbreak of anthrax in Western Siberia above the arctic circle. Scientists now believe that outbreak began when a massive heat wave melted away at layers of permafrost and exposed the bodies of anthrax-infected reindeer who died 75 years ago.

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40 thoughts on “Climate Change Debate: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)”

  1. There are currently at least 47 self reinforcing feedback loops already triggered and baked into the cake of atmospheric chemistry whose cumulative effect will eventually be exponential in nature. People have no conception of how scary this will be. We are convinced we are a good species going somewhere important and that at the last minute we will correct our errors and God will smile on us. It is delusion.

  2. My parents don’t believe in it. I’ve tried to tell them otherwise, but I just can’t win arguments against them cause I don’t know facts. My parents Argue that the weather is on a cycle of every hundred or so years, the world heats up, then cools down and then becomes stable. I tried telling them about the ozone layer but they denied it’s existence. They also argued that some scientists also don’t believe in it or something. After watching Jon Oliver say ‘weather is different to climate’, I tried saying that, but then they asked me to explain and I couldn’t. I just…. somethings my parents disagree with with the world I can see their point. But not climate change.

  3. How does people debate about something that may happen or not, but if it happen could be the end of civilization?. Lets say there is 90% chance it doesn't happen, so what?, people don't do the russian roulette for fun.

  4. “97.1% of academic journals, who took a political stance on climate change, agree that climate change exists.”

    Does anyone at all think that this is a relevant statistic?

    Maybe the people who aren’t in lockstep with your political agenda just aren’t spending time writing academic journals about your political agenda?

    Science isn’t built on consensus, it’s built on hypothesis and testing for evidence. Not one climate activist can put a quantitative number on the man-made effects of climate change. So instead of stifling debate and shutting out other opinions before you hear them, go out and do some research.

  5. I think the skeptics should be sent up north, and down south to see first hand that they are WRONG, and also they are idiots. Same as the morons who still believe the earth is flat, and the sun revolves around it. Also Elvis died…. get over it.

  6. "Well, I just don't think all the science is in, yet."
    Do you believe that global warming matters, given that oil, coal, and natural gas are completely nonrenewable, nuclear power is disastrous, and every energy need that is currently being met this way can also be met by renewable means like solar, wind, undersea currents and algae biofuel?

  7. I'm from Vermont. It's December 2017 as I write this. December 8, to be exact, and we're on track to have the fourth or fifth green Christmas since 2003. That's right, there's going to be the fourth or fifth green Christmas in NEW ENGLAND.

  8. Lol. Great argument. A bunch of non climatologists and Bill Nye the Engineer guy agree with the handful of climatologists that exist, because they are all in the same Science Club. Thats iron clad. It's not like scientists have to lie and skew numbers to justify their existence or risk losing positions and funding………. said every research study group ever made. "Well, today eggs are bad… but check back tommorow! A new group is mining the same meta data to prove eggs are good! If you just wait 24hrs, eggs will be good for you again!". But it's kind of insane to try and argue against the plethora of science we have managed to amass… about the last 50 years. And slightly less accurately over the last 200. And even less accurately about the last 10,000 years. Because a snapshot of 10,000 years is a very good way to predict the patterns of a system nearly 4 billion years old, that has never seen a mass extinction due to global warming or CO2 in the atmosphere, but has seen several due to global cooling, snowball earths, and too much Oxygen in the atmosphere. But, heck, it's not like people to sound the apocalypse alarm without good reason, right? I mean, sure, every few decades since the beggining of humans, someone has rang that "the apocalypse is coming!" alarm (I'm looking at you, Seventh Day adventists!)… but we can't consider that "crying wolf" until they reach at least the trillionth time… right?

  9. Apart from science, math, history and other mandatory subjects, we should have ‘environmental education’ in all schools, so that children understand their actions can damage the earth – be it something as small as keeping the refrigerator open for too long. We have this in many schools in India, and it made me want to give a damn about the planet.

  10. To avoid more climate catastrophes its time to start using FREE ENERGY.
    The $5 TRILLION Oil, Coal and
    Gas Industry is blocking this information because it would eliminate the need for their products world wide. No more

    For more information see:
    Limitless Energy from the Vacuum,
    and, A new Energy Paradigm, on
    Sirius Disclosure.
    Free Energy Threatens Oil Industry,
    by Dr. Steven Greer.
    Pulling Energy from the Vacuum, by Col. Thomas Beardon.
    Reality of Free Energy and Free Energy Devices.
    All on YouTube.
    Please help our Planet!


  12. Nobody is able to just go to the arctic to verify what these scientists are claiming. So that is why they go there. If they invented their BS where lots of people live, they would be called out for the sensational lies.

  13. Hahahahahaha! BSBSBSBSBSBS! All fake news. These NASA and NOAA scientists are a joke funded by government grants and subsidies. Let the permafrost thaw and more land will be usable for food and animal production. More CO2 will be better and more trees and plants will utilize this CO2.

  14. In the tobacco safety wars the companies fought not so much to keep people smoking (addictiveness of nic took care of that!) but to prevent litigation by maintaining the claim that the science was inadequate to make them morally and legally accountable. That may be what's happening now. Especially coal companies like the Kochs'. They have enough money but if they don't wisely purchase courts and legislators, they could lose it all in class action lawsuits.

  15. Too late. I hate having an IQ of +180. When the Earth warms as proven during the Milankovich Cycles the Earth releases significant amounts of Co2 and Methane (circa 2,000,000,000,000 tons). We humans will release 800,000,000,000 more tons of Co2 by 2040. The whole so called carbon budget. This budget commits us to 3'c of warming. The natural release also commits us to 3'c of additional warming with self reinforcing feedbacks. At 6'c warming this puts most life on earth in an extremely stressed state with most plants, animals, flora and fauna, land and ocean unable to adapt. 6'c of warming is also the Methane Hydrate release temperature. This Methane Hydrate release will warm the Earth by another 5'c, making most life on earth impossible at an Average Global Temperature of 26'c Land areas are effected by a factor of 2 (ie twice as hot). Life on Earth is impossible at Land temperatures of 50'c. This will cause an Oceanic Anoxia Event as in the Permian Mass Extinction 252my ago. We may discover other life in our local area of the Milky Way Galaxy just before we all die of thirst, starvation and certainly heat stroke. Alien says to another Alien in circa 2060 "I told you that would work, look no intelligent life, we can get our atmospheric processors down there now before our kin arrive". The end.

  16. The temperatures on Earth have been fluctuating for billions of years. 10,000 yrs in the geological setting is virtually nothing. These perplexed climate worriers use an exemplar of a few centuries and they think that they have uncovered this cataclysmic trend. They have been conned. I am not certain, but I am pretty sure the motive for this global con is money, ahahhaahahahahahha.

  17. Up Date. Up Date. Up Date.
    . The date of this interview is important because, just in the last 6 months, there have been many indicators that the rate of Climate Change is going up a step. These steps have been found in the recent Paleo record and are called "Abrupt Climate Change." This kind of rapid change goes beyond exponential and is driven by positive feedback loops kicking in.
    In the last 6 months we have seen a sudden increase in the release of methane and CO2 into the Arctic subsystem. In the last 3 months, we have seen a sudden jump in Sea Ice melting in the Arctic and Antarctic simultaneously. These sudden changes were not predicted by the computer models but were predicted by Guy McPherson.
    As an Engineer and a third year climate science student, I don't entirely support McPherson's scenario however we must be scientifically accurate.
    I will be listening to see what M. Mann is saying in 2017. He is a great guy but he has been doing some self censoring.
    It looks like 2016 will have to be named the year that Abrupt Climate Change began.


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