Is climate change causing more extreme weather? – BBC Newsnight

Is climate change causing more extreme weather? - BBC Newsnight

Does the intensity of this year’s hurricane season tell us anything about the occurrence of extreme weather events? David Grossman reports on whether climate change might be having an impact.

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It’s 95% likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of global warming according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General Michel Jarraud speaks.

4 thoughts on “Is climate change causing more extreme weather? – BBC Newsnight”

  1. also the cosmic ray flux lags behind the temperature rise (Krivova 2003)
    so it cannot account for the warming in any significant way.

  2. yes i call bullshit on this report too !!!
    no mention of the solar shutdown causing the magnetosphere to weaken allowing more cosmic rays to penetrate our atmosphere and create so called global warming !! the under sea volcano's pump more co2 into the ocean in a year then we humans have put there in a 100 years these scientists are morons who got their degree's off the back of a weetbix box


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