Is Organic Food Better? Mind Over Munch Kickstart 2016

Eating organic vs. inorganic – is organic food better? Is organic food healthier than conventionally grown food? In this video, I discuss some of the facts and myths that are commonly promoted about organic food. Organic food is by no means bad, but it’s good to know the facts!
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19 thoughts on “Is Organic Food Better? Mind Over Munch Kickstart 2016”

  1. Can you do a video on GMOs? I feel that there is a large stigma around GMOS in the same manner than eating non-organic has a stigma.

  2. Absolutely agree with you! I always knew that organic processed foods are still way bad for us, but we are programmed to see Organic and say Yeah! Healthy! It fools us, and we let it, but no more haha. It's all crap. I love it. I'm making a grocery list right now and am running to your videos to watch for some inspiration because I want to buy that pint of ice cream so bad or that bag of cookies, and I love how down to earth you are and realistic about your diet.

  3. For the record, 80% of the land that is use for agriculture produce 20% of the food, that is industrial production so actually is less productive and over explodes natural resources like water and hydrocarbons.

  4. Organic or not, I wash and soak my fruits and vegetables with activated charcoal to remove SOME of the parasites and pesticides on/in them 🙂

  5. Organic is labeled. GMO isnt. It's simple, GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS is that. It's been modified genetically to resist certain pesticides so the plant doesn't die, but the bugs do. Organic is simply that. The natural organic way to grow food. The food that started since before we got here. The food God has intended for us to eat. The system is all deceiving you to think there is no difference one is simply more expensive, so you can only buy the GMO filled shit. That in the long run is horrible for your body and causes cancer. Honestly just eat fruits and veggies raw. It's all meant to go in our bodies.

  6. Is instant oats considered as processed food? (I assume it is since it says instant?) The reason I'm asking is because I recently purchased organic oats which is less pricey than the non-organic one 😛 (And I was excited for it LOL)

  7. What about pestizides etc. in processed food? The processing often doesn't remove them. So in my opinion organic processed food is still healthier(in the sense of toxins involved, not calories etc.).
    But maybe this is just my sickness-induced lower detoxication speaking.

  8. hi there Alyssia , I would like to know where to buy chicken and fish and does organic matter in that case, i am really scared because i will be cooking those for my kids so i want to get it from somewhere which is not imported from china, i dont know if you heard the news they will get chicken packed in china , ridiculous stuff but dont know if it started happening yet. let me know your thoughts please.


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