7 thoughts on “Pesticides found in honey around the world”

  1. It not only affects bees but all kinds of insects, all flying insects show a decline by 75% during the last decades, especially since the usage of neonics and this also affects the populations of insectivores such as many resident birds which have been declining in a correlating manner. Many species depend on insects, at least during their early development. This HAS TO STOP RIGHT NOW! AND WORLDWIDE!
    We need a global ban of neonics!

  2. our BM Destroyer is the only technology in the world with EU -BEST EXISTING TECHNOLOGY AWARD for destroy agro chemicals in water to the detection border.

  3. Nooo! Nooooo! Not the bees!

    My precious little bumbling hard-workers! Who sustain my honey-loving ways! Noooo! Save the bees!

  4. It's time to go vegan.

    Consider that the vast majority of plant agriculture is to feed the animal agriculture industry, thus dramatically increasing the use of pesticides. And this is just one of the myriad problems surrounding the production of meat.

  5. Even Beekeepers who do not use chemicals in their hives will still find pesticides in their wax and honey. Its not looking good folks.


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