S1 IH: How to draw a climatic graph

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Professor Brian Cox has verbally sparred with a newly elected Australian politician who believes climate change is a global conspiracy. The British physicist behind BBC’s Wonders of the Universe was a guest on the adversarial panel show Q&A. Also on the Australian TV show was senator-elect Malcolm Roberts from the anti-immigration One Nation party. The celebrity scientist was dumbfounded by Mr Roberts’ claim that climate change data was manipulated by Nasa.

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23 thoughts on “S1 IH: How to draw a climatic graph”

  1. Great to see a balanced argument presented from a Scientist and a Politican. Why not put Cox up against other Scientists ?

  2. The graph he displays does NOT show any clear upward trend, as he claims. Nor does it illustrate a correlation between CO2 levels and either warming or sea level rise. In fact it does the opposite. But to understand this one actually has to KNOW something about the history of 20th century climate. From the beginnings of the industrial revolution until roughly 1950, CO2 levels were not high enough to have much of an effect on global temperatures. This FACT is acknowledged by most if not all climate scientists, who ascribe warming during this period to natural variation. From ca. 1940 to roughly1979, as clearly illustrated on the graph, there was no warming at all. Yet from 1950 on CO2 emissions were beginning to soar — a clear example of counter-correlation. And from 1998 through ca. 2015 there was only a very slight increase, if any, in warming. And again, CO2 emissions were continuing to soar — another anti-correlation.

    This graph has been used to mislead people into believing that there's been a steady upward trend in temperatures since the beginning of the 20th century due to CO2 emissions, but as is clearly the case, that is not at all true. As for sea levels, they rose at a relatively steady rate throughout this entire period, despite the mid-century cooling and despite the fact that temperature rise due to CO2 emissions could not have have any effect on sea level during the 1st 80 years of the 20th century, nor during almost all of the 21st, as I've just explained.

    Brian Cox may be a highly trained physicist, but he has a LOT to learn about basic critical thinking and the evaluation of data.

  3. Absolute consensus, what drivel Brian. 'I brought the graph' – MINDLESS!! Thanks, we now have a president in the USA who has actually done some research, Mr Trump you surprise me! Here in Australia we have the highest power and water costs in the world because of are ever increasing reliance upon unreliable solar and wind power yet our governments continue to follow this insane agenda whilst selling billions of tons of coal and uranium and natural gas to India and China. Both countries are developing rapid wealth and are consequently buying up our industries, farm lands and houses. It is impossible to have any contrary opinion published or aired on television as the Global Warming/CO2 agenda is pursued with relentless ignorance and aggression regardless of scientific fact. The world is cooling! Seismic activity increases with global cooling. Cold kills, crops die, people starve. We have a small joke here in Australia – 'What did we use before candles? answer? ELECTRICITY! Malcolm Roberts IS CORRECT – Brian Cox and the gaggle of ignorant audience is wrong – this is typical of how panels and audiences are stacked in Australia and the UK.

  4. Lies h.a.r.p. is heating the earth not people or whatever the fuck this shit for brains puppet is trying to push on u it's all agenda 21 do your own reasearch

  5. If global warming was a problem, the equatorial areas would be deserts. On the contrary, the equatorial areas are rain forest areas.

    Plant more trees to reclaim the deserts. Plants need more CO2 to give you food and oxygen. More forests will also lower the sea level.

  6. This is a dude who NEVER worked in a single scientific project arguing with one of the best scientists/science spokesperson in the World. Why are we listening to this idiot?

  7. Absolute consensus! What drivel from somebody who should know better, shame Mr. Cox, 'you've seen a graph" and the uninformed audience sound like a gaggle of ignorant geese. At last the truth is being told but the left still promulgates its social, economic idiocy with regards to Global Warming lies, they now however call it Climate Change, knowing full well that their lies, propaganda and indoctrination has implanted the Global Warming scam almost universally into the education system, the green movement, the media, politics and society in general. The real danger is COLD and the procession of the Milankovitch Cycles (There are three components: eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession. According to the Milankovitch Theory, these three cycles combine to affect the amount of solar heat that's incident on the Earth's surface and subsequently influence climatic patterns in association with the solar sunspot activity – we are currently in a Grand Solar Minimum and the consequent global cooling is occurring (reduction in solar sunspot activities)
    COLD KILLS! We are still in an Ice Age and it is about to get cooler. Global warming causing an ice age is the final desperate attempt to validate the warming myth.

  8. To all contributors: It is NOT an "US" vs "Them" scenario. We are LOSING our world plain and simple. Do we propose to allow the needs of Greed to condemn us to a quiet acceptance of such an outcome? How about DOING SOMETHING that MIGHT work?
    How about TOSSING "Our Prized Mobility" and trying to save a future for our "Species" instead? As of "Now" OUR Children have LOST the TOSS! We'd rather try to keep on using our "Prized Mobility" regardless the results! IMPALE ALL DENIERS! To-Day!

  9. Just another Greed Driven Politician. His name is now included on the "First To Impale" list. Mr. Trump! You have NO time for this nonsense! Declare a worldwide effort to FORCE an end to the Non-Stop HeatRise! Cancel all other Government Functions! Get Busy! Force America to act on our Common Duty to TRY to Save Our Kids! Per 🦊 🦊 ObamasMessage.com 🦊 🦊

  10. Hi Guys, would you want the complete film? Go to Google and type: "CineHub4U" you can enjoy the complete film immediately.

  11. Therefore Cox has little integrity as a scientist and is part of the global warming sham. 1 trillion £ and counting.

  12. An absolute consensus would require that 100% of scientists agreed that Carbon Dioxide is causing climate change. 3500 wrote to the IPCC objecting as their work was being mis-represented in this way.

  13. Whether you believe in man made climate change or not or whether you believe its happening but exaggerated or not I think we all should be able to question anything and doubt anything that is not 100% proven. At the end of the day Consensus is not proof and it is thrown out a lot by apparent educated science people as if it were. If every scientist in the past had adopted that idea with consensus we would all be still believing the world is flat and we are the centre of the universe. It also reminds me of the two men who won a Nobel prize for their work with stomach ulcers. and being ridiculed by a consensus that adamantly declared ulcers were caused by stress. For years they believed it was bacteria and finally proved it. Consensus can be wrong! I really get annoyed when I see people being ridiculed or shut down because they believe something different than the majority or just merely question it…that is not science. Science is all about debate and questioning when something is not proven and calling people 'Deniers' to disparage them like holocaust deniers is shameful and completely at odds with having a truly impartial science community.

  14. This is another way of making you pay taxes! its the biggest hoax ever! Climate always changes but the impact of humans and green house gases is only a fart in the clouds. totally insignificant! BBC should stop spreading fake information's! and People start reading and do they own research! Most scientists are on the government salary to find connection between green gases and global warming but there isn't any significant if any at all.


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