Fossil Fuels Are Killing You and Everyone You Love

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We are ripping nonrenewable fossil fuels out of the ground and burning them. How bad could it be?

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Previous Series: Stereotypes: The Good, The Bad, & The Truthful

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ScienceDaily Fossil fuel

“Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals.”

Nonrenewable and renewable energy sources

“Coal, crude oil, and natural gas are all considered fossil fuels because they were formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.”

The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuels

“Fossil fuels-coal, oil, and natural gas-are America’s primary source of energy, accounting for 85 percent of current US fuel use. Some of the costs of using these fuels are obvious, such as the cost of labor to mine for coal or drill for oil, of labor and materials to build energy-generating plants, and of transportation of coal and oil to the plants. These costs are included in our electricity bills or in the purchase price of gasoline for cars.”

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Video Rating: / 5

TRANSCRIPT: EXPLORE ACTIVITY — 5.7 A:Formation Of Fossil Fuels (Grade Level 5)

[Overview Statement]
[1-2] In this activity, students use cereals to explore the processes that led to the formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels.

[3] Prepare the following items in advance (for each group in your class): 4 small plastic baggies, a large plastic bag (to protect against spills or tears), 2 clear plastic cups, ½ cup each of various cereals, 3 cups of chocolate cereal, three-fourths of a cup of coffee grounds, a measuring cup, a mixing bowl with spoon, water and a plastic spoon.

[Part I Title:] Modeling Rock Layers
[4] Using cereals to model rock layers. [Or just…] Modeling Rock Layers.

[Section 1:]
[5] First, setup your materials for each rock layer. To model the formation of “coal,” mix three cups of Cocoa Krispies and [6] three-fourths of a cup of ground coffee in a bowl. [7] Add three-fourths of a cup of water and toss lightly to mix. [8] Measure one-half cup of this mixture and place into a plastic baggie. [9] Seal and label accordingly.

[10] For the remaining layers, place one-half cup of Froot Loops, [11] Bran Flakes, and [12] Cheerios into separate sandwich bags. [13] Label them to type: Sandstone, Shale, and Sand Sediments, respectively.



[Section 2:]
[14] Now we can model the foundations of rock. For the bottom layer of sediment, pour the bag of Cocoa Krispies and coffee into one of the plastic cups. [15] Draw what this material looks like in the student journal.

[16] Next, create a layer of sand by crushing Fruit Loops. [17] Pour on top of the bottom mixture. Add this layer to the drawing.

[18] Add shale sediments by crushing Bran Flakes and [18.1] pour over the sand layer. [18.2] As before, draw the rock layer.

[19] For the final formation, crush Cheerios cereal to model the sand that was blown into the area by wind. [20] Pour this last layer over the shale and add it to the drawing.

[21] That completes the rock layer model.



[Section 3:]
[22] Students can now use the second cup to model the pressure it takes to form fossil fuels and sedimentary layers. Place a fist inside the empty cup, and [23] push down hard on top of the rock layer model.

Observe what happens to the bottom layer of the model, which contains the organic sediments.

[24] As a final exercise, illustrate what the layers look like after heat and pressure have been applied, and answer the remaining questions in the student journal.


Video Rating: / 5

23 thoughts on “Fossil Fuels Are Killing You and Everyone You Love”

  1. who cares how annoying wind or solar energy is, it's efficient and it won't destroy the planet! i mean seriously, how could people prefer energy resources that are slowly destroying the planet over efficient energy that is natural and NOT harmful to us?

  2. Its dead plants burried underground.
    And that is why we need to release the carbon out into the system again, the more there is in the system, the more plants and animals there can be since more carbon is availible.
    And that is GOOD, and i repeat…. GOOD!

    Not saying that trying to develop renewables is not a good thing, still, fossile fuel is amazing, and WE SHOULD USE IT ALL!

  3. Solar/wind is still snake oil tbh. It's just not going to do it on it's own. I would suggest a combination of Thorium salt reactor/Solar/Wind & Hydro for a safe clean solution. The solid fuel reactors are going to kill us all eventually and need to be shut down. They won't be shut though because governments need them to make nukes.

  4. This is a pretty dumb argument, cheap, abundant sources of energy like fossil fuels have are is much safer from the climate. Climate related deaths are plummeting, how is he claiming emissions are killing us, they have been a net positive to life. Thank you fossil fuels, me or someone I love would be dead without you.

  5. This is a pretty dumb argument, cheap, abundant sources of energy like fossil fuels have are is much safer from the climate. Climate related deaths are plummeting, how is he claiming emissions are killing us, they have been a net positive to life. Thank you fossil fuels, me or someone I love would be dead without you.

  6. 5:00 no, i have not seen any smog around my house, your statement is is disprooved.

    new record one scentince to disproove a statement, hooray!

  7. 4:20 fossile fuels, can only realy harm the local enviorment. if you did not "correct yoruslef" youd be absoloutly correct.
    C02 from fossile fuels simply does not posses the ability to change the global enviorment, it just is'nt enough. the reason people think it does is beacouse there is change, but people forget that the couse of that change is nature itself and it has always natrualy changed. we humans simply cant compete whit mother nature in the therms of pollution. if mother nature whatns to heat us up it does. if it whants us to cool (which i do beleive it is doing) our tiny efforts to create a greenhouse effect trough burning is not going to suffice stopping it.

    CONCLUSIONS: humaans ability to effect the enviorment is weak. no matter intentional or not.

  8. my chemical professor once said: oil and coal have such great uses, you can make very great products out of it (plastic and what not) but worldwide only about 10% of oil produced is used for the production of plastic and other material….the rest is being burned.

  9. if it's really hurting everyone on earth to use fossil fuels then why aren't countries working together to make renewable energy cheaper and better?

  10. Fossil fuels is not killing me. It's killing poor stupid people, because they have too many children. Africans, for example.

  11. We'd be better off adapting to nature rather than fighting it.

    And take the focus away from renewables, and focus on having what we use fossil fuels for to be more efficient.


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