How does climate change affect animals? | Global Ideas

Global warming is leading to changes in vegetation, forcing many animal species to migrate and look for cooler habitats. Check out our latest info film for more. A film by Inga Sieg.

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CNN’s Jennifer Gray gives five reasons why 97% of scientists agree climate change is happening.

31 thoughts on “How does climate change affect animals? | Global Ideas”

  1. Poor animals…but I would be more worried about what nature will do to us for messing with it so much. Also, Gid- the most powerful also promises punishment on the day of judgement , at the very least .

    Beetles in BC now survive the warm winters killing all the trees that give us oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide . That's one small example.

  2. "97% of scientists agree climate change is happening." OF course they all agree its happening. What they do not agree on is what is causing it and how much if any is man made.

  3. fact, south pole was recently the biggest for a long time. hmmmm that's not mentioned much. fact, there are no facts

  4. Dear CNN, Did all "97% of Scientist" agree that climate change is caused by human activity? Did all 97% agree to your predictions????? Please let the World know the whole truth, not just a fraction of it.

  5. If you know nothing else–if you don't know how to dress yourself–you should know that any reference to the phony 97% of scientists signals your exposure to a hoax, deception, lie, all of these. Now put some clothes on.

  6. Did you really just say that Arctic sea ice reached it's lowest extent ever? Am I the only one who caught this lie? Is everyone fucking stupid? There was no ice for millions of years morons. At the most productive moment in Earths history there was no ice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your heads out of your fucking asses. Stop this madness please!

  7. What's with the maps changing color over time? They are worthless without a key to tell us what represents what. We learned this in middle school

  8. All this is CNN propaganda, and is 100% FAKE NEWS like the rest of CNN's 'news'.
    This is all easily debunked with scientific data.
    CNN should be re-named "Pravda".

  9. Climate is changing ,and it always was. It is natural cycle that has been happening for very long time.
    That is why we had several ice ages before. They come and went and will happen again.
    Do people speeding it up? Most likely, but change is on the way.
    We ,people are nearly the bigest problem for climate.
    Several massive volcanic eruptions will produce changes far more significant than human ever can.
    Mike soch

  10. I'm an Air Force veteran, I own guns, I've voted republican most of my life. I also have a graduate degree in natural resources – climate change. The U.S. Department of Defense acknowledges that climate change is a clear and present danger to national security. This is not a "liberal" conspiracy. Even China, an authoritarian controlled nation, accepts the science of climate change and is beginning to switch to green energy.

  11. My favourite climate change "fact" is when sea ice reaches its SEASONAL minimum as it does every single year, and on that day we hear on the news that sea ice is at an ALL TIME LOW FOR THE YEAR!!!!! like no shit sherlocks.

  12. A message from the climate scientist at large.

    This video will show you how to check the climate change taking place in near time with Weatherunderground data.

    You will be able to plot the latest years data for selected collection spots around the world with ease on your home computer on in the large data center with left over capacity.

    Conquer the climate, join the fight, be a hero.

  13. We need a law against Solar Cycles, Earth Precession, Plate Tectonics, etc. These arguments are so vacuous. She clearly has no clue that it was a LOT warmer when Grapes were being grown in Greenland and northern Europe. Uneducated political scientists and people like this one are totally CLUELESS about real science.

  14. It's pretty easy to tell. FACT: Anything CNN posts is fake news with a LEFT OF LENIN LIBERAL BIAS. FACT: Warmist's fake their data. FACT: None of the warming models have been able to predict anything. North Pole ice free by 2007? Huge sea level rise? No. Water seeks it's own level. If one area is seeing a sea level rise, the reality is the land is subsiding because fresh water is being pumped out of the ground. FACT: Ice sheets break off regularly. There is no evidence that this is caused by man, and there is evidence it is caused by undersea volcanoes. FACT: Glaciers calf regularly. They either expand or retreat. It is not a cause for concern. FACT: Greenland is accumulating ice and snow at an unprecedented rate. (2017) FACT: Warmist's adjust data to make their case. The real data does not support warming. FACT: It was warmer in the 1930's than today. FACT: Sea levels rose 400' in the last 10,000 years. No fossil fuels caused this. What did? ACT: Warmist's adjusted away the Medieval Warming, a period of prosperity for mankind. FACT: Warmist's claim the Little Ice Age was a local phenomenon–without any supporting evidence. This is new because there was no mention of it being local until they were trying to refute the obvious conclusion that man did not cause the warming or cooling. The Little Ice Age caused dramatic changes worldwide. It's not "local" if present on every continent that kept records. FACT: CO2 does not correlate as a cause of warming. It is a poor greenhouse gas. FACT: CO2 is good for the planet. The Earth is getting greener and not turning into a desert. FACT: Meddling with the ecology has so far done more harm than good. Killing 40,000 elephants to prevent desertification jsut proves that scientists don't know shit about complex systems like the ecology. FACT: The elites stand to profit enormously (trillions) on warming. FACT: A single volcano can easily bring down temperatures for years. Why does no one discuss cheap options like triggering a volcano if so concerned about warming. Could it be, it's all about the money? FACT: Warmist's cherry pick data and distort finding to support their case. FACT: 60% of the people don't believe there is cause for concern. FACT: Science is open to discussion. Warming is a religion that rejects facts, quashes contract opinions, discussion. Claiming consensus does not make it true. FACT: Scientists get funded to support warming. Pay someone to promote it and they will. AND THE BIGGEST FACT OF ALL: It is a HOAX. Few believe in man-made CO2 warming any more because of the faked data, cherry picked data, the unwillingness to acknowledge that many, many, many scientists have different opinions. Attacking people with different theories, models, evidence, is not the scientific method. It should be obvious that Antarctica is a very cold landmass. It will never be ice free. The Arctic is surrounded by land masses. There is no way for warm water to get in there. Both of these will stay ice caps for millions of years.

  15. FAKE News relies on FAKE Facts. They think the earth is only 500 years old. The FACT is it's 5 Billion years old. CNN is selling SH*# to Idiots and the idiots buy it.

  16. I can't take an apparent science video seriously if the background music is from some sinister horror movie scene.. This is entertainment, not serious debate


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