How to Help Prevent Global Warming

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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to prevent global warming, part of the broader environmental concern of climate change. Here are some ways to help that may surprise you.

Step 1: Live in a city
Live in a city: Urbanites own fewer cars, tend to live in energy-efficient apartment buildings, and don’t have much need for powered lawn mowers, a major contributor to greenhouse gases.

Painting a roof white reduces the energy needed to both heat and cool a building.

Step 2: Don’t assume local is better
Don’t assume that buying local is always better. Food miles — the distance food travels from farm to table — isn’t the only factor to consider: 80 percent of the carbon emissions from food production occur before shipping, and industrial farms tend to be more energy-efficient than smaller ones.

Step 3: Eat less meat
Eat less meat. The average American carnivore contributes 1.5 more tons of greenhouse gases per year than the average vegetarian. If you can’t keep away from beef, organic may be better for your body but not necessarily help prevent global warming: An organically raised cow emits 16 percent more greenhouse gases than a standard one.

Producing red meat generates 4 times the greenhouse gas emissions as an equal amount of chicken or fish.

Step 4: Practice the three R’s
Practice the three R’s — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. And don’t give recyclables more than a quick rinse: For each ton of recycled plastic, consumers waste about 10 tons of water cleaning it.

Did You Know?
According to a study, companies who report increased carbon emissions see their stock value fall.

In the US northeast, coastal erosion is one of the most obvious effects of climate change. As President Trump prepares for his country’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, some people on Plum Island in Massachusetts are facing the threat of losing their homes due to climate change.





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22 thoughts on “How to Help Prevent Global Warming”

  1. You cannot prevent it… It is the pole shift folks…the crust is sliding…North America going south and Australia going north…this creates increasing stresses on the crust increasing the number of earthquakes and waking up extinct volcanoes….USGS and NOAA confirm this! Just google pole shift!

  2. I figured out how to stop abrupt climate change in regard to making the planet cool rapidly instead of heating up.

    I came to a realisation that earths magnetosphere is decreasing because of the increase of machine’s made, electric grids, high magnetic’s used it hospitals and machines like the hydron collider! Every single thing we humans make with a magnetic field will disrupt earths own magnetic field. If only by I little amount. The more machine that have been made over the past 30 years, the weaker the earths field has got. So to stop the atmosphere heating up we have to decrease the amount of magnetic’s we use. The earths magnetosphere will recover stopping the solar radiation. Make a video on that. You can credit me for the idea to save our planet.

  3. Global warming, carbon taxes, are you kidding me.  Stop pissing on me and saying that it's a beneficial rain that is good for us.  For the last 17 years, the globe has been COOLING!  PS plant life needs co2.  Anyone who doesn't see what a huge swindle this is, you just keep plugging your ears and just keep yelling LALALALALALA!  freeking idiots.

  4. You drove me crazy, I am trying to focus on the video so i can understand but this freaking annoying music background! WHAT'S wrong with people they became Music Addicts!

  5. It doesn't mean that we can't try (yeah, that sounds lame). However there's always a chance that we can at least slow the progression or maybe even reverse its effects.

  6. How the fuck am I arrogant? The vast majority of scientsits accept AGW, and almost all in relevant fields, if you deny it you're saying you're smarter than most scientists, and yet somehow I am the one who is arrogant. You are trying to call bullshit on 40 years of solid scientific research, nobody who actually knows what they're talking about can take you seriously.

  7. Climate change has been going on since the earth has been in existence. It's cyclic. You can bet the island was once under water in the past. The problem is not climate change, the problem is that some naive humans want everything to stay the same for their own personal comfort. I get it. It's natural to think that way, but it's childish to expect to prevent the change. They've built their houses on the sand (literally) but they want to be able to stay. Rational studies have shown that the effect of humans on the climate is negligible either to case a greater rate of global warming, or to decrease global warming. The largest causing temperature changing factors have been proven to be natural, so pack up your belongings and move in 100 years when the beach house is threatened, and stop crying about the climate change to the warmer which is now due in the historical cycle.


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