How to Save Money through Minimalism, Living Simply, and Going Green

How to Save Money through Minimalism, Living Simply, and Going Green

In this video I share some suggestions for how to live more simply and in turn save money and make more eco-friendly choices in the process.

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A Healthy Financial Makeover – One of My Past Videos:

Where in the World is ̶C̶a̶r̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶S̶a̶n̶d̶i̶e̶g̶o̶ Mary Harris?
Instagram: http:// INSTAGRAM /sproutnblossom
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Products Mentioned:
Glass Straw- Amazon
Water Filter- Berkey Filters
Eco Canteen- Klean Canteen
Nail Polish- Karma Organic
Organic Cloth Wipes- Charlie Banana
Door to Door Organics – 50% off coupon available

“A simple practice of intentionality: When I do it, my life is different, more purposeful, more consciously lived, more content with any action.” -Leo Babauta

20 thoughts on “How to Save Money through Minimalism, Living Simply, and Going Green”

  1. dont want to sound rude ..but all these r normal way of living for many people …who r not "minimalists"..nothing special

  2. I agree with the ideas here but I think you need an alternative word rather than 'nice' – effective, efficient, pleasant, looks good – whatever is applicable.

  3. You have genuine love for minimalism. Your eyes glimmering with excitement when you describe each tip. Thumbs up.

  4. Hey, i loved every bit of it and very informative video, but tablet is not a good option for reading books, i've ruined my eye health because of that. use physical books, used ones or rent, and give or sale them again. Tablet is not good for health.

  5. Hi (at)Sprout & Blossom Can you tell me the brand name who makes reusable bags you use for bulk items? Thanks!! 🙂

  6. Hi, I just found your video, I really like it. Your tips on saving money, minimalism and get organize are helping. I am about to move to a new apartment that I bought from a terrace house that I currently rent. I am so worried about money, space and I do have a lot of stuffs that I like to keep and I do not need it. But I do start with buying cloth pad and I do really like not to buy disposable sanitary pad, and I feel happy with the cloth pad. Maybe I slowly will make a journey towards de-cluttered my home and donate most of my stuffs.

  7. You touched based on a lot of things that others have left out. I learned so much and am excited about all the saving I can do. Thanks so much.

  8. i watched this and you didn't mention opportunity cost, I guess it depends what kind of minimalist you are though. that thing about bottled water is very true though. tap tastes the same to me.

  9. I like to think I live a pretty green existence, but you have me a couple ideas to implement. Thanks for a great and thoughtful video! 🙂


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