The Truth About An Inconvenient Truth (Film Review)

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An Inconvenient Truth Trailer

40 thoughts on “The Truth About An Inconvenient Truth (Film Review)”

  1. Sorry, Dave Cullen, there is just as much evidence that humans have virtually no effect on the climate whatsoever.

  2. The "97% of scientists" cited by climate change promoters such as Bill Nye, is simply wrong. The 97% are part of a minority of 10% of all scientists who are in the climate fields, so it's more like 9.7% of scientists agree, not to mention that not all scientists are in the field of climatology, so claiming that all scientists agree is vague and false. The assertion that all scientists agree is like saying 100% of people that have a similar opinion to me agree with me, duh. Nothing in science is anywhere near 100% for a single cause, so the claim of 97% makes me suspicious.

    Besides the effect man made green house gasses has on the environment is minuscule compared to naturally produced gasses, such as the ocean dissolved Co2, volcanoes, and natural gas vents. Water vapor accounts for 95% of the total green house effect on earth, and the Sun has a greater influence on global temperatures that green house gas levels, In the doco "The Great Global Warming Swindle" it is pointed out that Co2 levels is a product of climate change something that Gore failed to mention is his film, this fits with the solar cycles also mentioned in "The Great Global Warming Swindle".

    There have been times when it has been warmer than it is now, and there wasn't a global crisis then, and there were times of colder temperatures and still no weather Apocalypse. The reason I think that politicians are more worried about Climate Change in the distant future rather than social problems now, is probably because of their world government agenda making up a crisis that involves the whole world in order to make us band together to defeat a common enemy.

    I'm not denying Climate Change it changes every day, I mean it was raining yesterday, but what is clear is that it's not our fault and it's not an issue anyway, the sun is the largest contributor, therefore it is out of our control.

  3. The "97% of scientists" cited by climate change promoters such as Bill Nye, is simply wrong. The 97% are part of a minority of 10% of all scientists who are in the climate fields, so it's more like 9.7% of scientists agree, not to mention that not all scientists are in the field of climatology, so claiming that all scientists agree is vague and false. The assertion that all scientists agree is like saying 100% of people that have a similar opinion to me agree with me, duh. Nothing in science is anywhere near 100% for a single cause, so the claim of 97% makes me suspicious.

    Besides the effect man made green house gasses has on the environment is minuscule compared to naturally produced gasses, such as the ocean dissolved Co2, volcanoes, and natural gas vents. Water vapor accounts for 95% of the total green house effect on earth, and the Sun has a greater influence on global temperatures that green house gas levels, In the doco "The Great Global Warming Swindle" it is pointed out that Co2 levels is a product of climate change something that Gore failed to mention is his film, this fits with the solar cycles also mentioned in "The Great Global Warming Swindle".

    There have been times when it has been warmer than it is now, and there wasn't a global crisis then, and there were times of colder temperatures and still no weather Apocalypse. The reason I think that politicians are more worried about Climate Change in the distant future rather than social problems now, is probably because of their world government agenda making up a crisis that involves the whole world in order to make us band together to defeat a common enemy.

    I'm not denying Climate Change it changes every day, I mean it was raining yesterday, but what is clear is that it's not our fault and it's not an issue anyway, the sun is the largest contributor, therefore it is out of our control.

  4. The real problem is that there is no real solution. What they say makes no sense anyway. They hate oil, but promote solar panels. Solar panels aren't going to displace oil any time soon, as it is almost exclusively used for transportation when it is used as an energy source. We are a long way off from widespread adoption of electric cars because Li-ION cells simply are not good enough. There needs to be a major breakthrough in batteries and ideally, something that isn't actually a battery and can store electricity directly and can be rapidly filled and emptied.

  5. Melting ice takes enormous amounts of heat because of the latent heat effect. It takes 500 TIMES the amount of energy to perform a phase change (like from ice at 32F to water at 32F) as it does to increase the temperature of the same amount of water from 32F to 33F. IOW, it's like there is a giant air conditioner in the Arctic because so much of the extra energy being absorbed by the phase change. Once the ice is gone, the arctic is going to get MUCH warmer, MUCH faster. This works in reverse too. The water has to release 500 times the energy to refreeze as it would to drop from 33F to 32F (as water). This is also one of the reasons evaporative cooling works so well for us (there is the phase change from liquid to gas). This is also why steam is such a better cleaner than 212F water.

  6. for fanzies I started thinking whenever globalistic agenda could be beneficial in the long run, but devastating in the shot… I always need to remove the buracracy from the equasion

  7. Who exactly are these "hardline, rightwing climate-change deniers" of which you speak? Can you name any, or are you just virtue signaling by defaulting to a pet ad hominem of the Climatistas so as to seem "reasonable" to the less informed. In other videos you have struck me as being more thoughtful than this.

  8. But the inconvenient truth will happen nonetheless. however I am totally against the Paris accord
    because it only benefits the first world countries. they are already andvanced but wants to stiff the
    progress of the second and third world countries. 😬😬😬

  9. Since the high court ruling about the Inconvenient truth it should be noted that the president of the Pacific Island nation of Kiribati has been actively encouraging some of his citizens to emigrate as they have lost farmland and homes due to rising sea levels. This had been reported by NPR. One of the 9 flaws the high court cited no longer exists.

  10. distant future doesnt mean we have to change something now. we can not just fuck our grand grand grand children

  11. Deforestation has caused 1/3 of all carbon dioxide emissions, the rest is caused by me, right now. I have made you aware of this.

  12. Two words for why they push the climate change narrative so hard: Carbon Tax. That's what it boils down to, period.

  13. What irritates and baffles me about the whole climate change thing, and really all of these major environmental issues is that world leaders will gather at a huge summit, toss around a bunch of buzzwords, and "reaffirm their commitment" (one of their favourite lines) to fighting climate change. They then form a neat line, and pose for the camera, as if to say this will be remembered as a historic moment, where the world changed forever. They then return to their respective nations, and get down to the business of doing absolutely fuck all about any of it. Until the next summit, where the cycle repeats.

  14. Relatively recent subscriber here, admire the channel immensely. Thoroughly enjoyed the recent video regarding your four horsemen evolution and the questions of faith regarding the Christening/Confirmation – whatever it was- you recently attended. I've made similar journeys over the years and am of similar age, (and I like to think) intellect, so am sure your work is reaching many of us in a similar position, feeling exactly the same way. This is a great thing. No real point to this other than to wish you well and all that, please keep making thoughtful content. Perhaps, so as not to get too serious, some vids on film, literature, music or other counterculture stuff would be cool?? Take it easy, dude 😉

  15. When a house full of idiots can no longer bare the stench of their own mess, they will come to yours.

    Oh if only an environmentally amd socially responsible post-modern era were not just a myth, we could continue to conspire against Humanity.

  16. One of the opening statements is "scientific consensus is that we are causing global warming". SCIENCE has NOTHING to do with CONSENUS. It also has NOTHING to do with the consensus of the OPINIONS of the select group of paid-for scientific-lobbyists that represent the industries / stakeholders that will benefit from this scam – and that continue to discuss their fixed ideas in an echo chamber while ignoring the observed data. SCIENCE is based on trying to understand nature through making HYPOTHESES that are then backed up by EMPIRICAL DATA through observation. At a point in time Copernicus was the only person on the planet who KNEW the that the sun was the centre of the solar system rather than the earth through calculations and observations and nearly was murdered because is was against the fact-less "consensus" of the political leaders at that time. If you want ever want to redeem a tiny thread of credibility admit the proposed model is wrong and correct it – and you will see that the impact is smaller than you believe. There are much bigger problems that need our attention and resources urgently – over population, scarcity of drinking water, shortage of food and poor education and they are all linked within one systemic system. So do us all a favour and stop promoting the wrong problem.

  17. Since this came out I have personally walked door to door to remind people that Tipper Gore helped boost record sales for rap music in the late 80's

  18. Climate changes since Earth exists, it's most normal thing. But man made climate change is a hoax to surpress everyday people and to slow down economys of competitor countries. Simple proof, just look at planet Mars, its atmosphere consists with 96% almost completely of CO2, but it is much colder than earth. While earth has only 0,04% CO2 in its atmosphere.

  19. I have nothing against the message of this documentary – pretty much everything said in this movie was the truth. My only criticism of it is: Why was Al Gore presenting this instead of someone like Bill Nye, who is an actual scientific figure?

  20. Stop innovating
    Start saving the planet by planting trees
    Every person should plant at least 6 to 7 trees per year

  21. We dont know the cause of global warning and we dont even know if its real so stop acting like we know everything

    Secondly, why are we still reliant on oil..why didnt we innovate to overcome our dependence on oil and fossil fuels???

  22. Get your carbon credits here.  Fresh off the press – get your carbon credits here.  Get 'em while they're hot.  Get your carbon credits here.

  23. "This is just natural and isn't being caused by human"
    "This is caused by human and people who say otherwise are stupid"
    Who cares? We know it is happening, we know what is causing it, we need to stop it.

  24. Why is everyone opposing this? This global crisis is real, and there are tons of concrete evidence behind this. It is us human beings that are causing this, it is not "naturally occurred". WE are responsible for what we did to our precious planet, and we better solve this issue before it's too late.

  25. Oh please, why is this stupid video still up?  it is now almost 2015 and this BS is now called Climate Change, not Global Warming, because it came to light that our planet has not increased its average temperature in over 40 years or more. Al Gore was to make a fortune on Carbon Credits which is now being fought tooth and nail by many nations who realize the whole Global Warming line of BS was a scam from the beginning.

    Yes we have some climate changes, but not the average temperature.  The changes are being conducted by climate engineers and HAARP type facilities all around the globe.  The insanity of climate engineering is beyond belief, because those idiots who are in control of these insidious programs are sociopaths with no regard to the changes humans must endure for no GD reason.  California is in the largest and worst drought it has ever endured, and we are fairly sure, it is because of that engineering.  The Northern Midwest and North East are suffering the worst winter in decades as the polar cold air was shifted, we also believe by HAARP type facilities.

    The idiots in charge of these programs are dealing with forces they can barely comprehend, yet they do so with aplomb and considered government impunity.


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