Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change, Lines of Evidence: Chapter 3

The National Research Council is pleased to present this video that explains how scientists have arrived at the current state of knowledge about recent climate change and its causes. This is part three of a seven-part series, available on the National Academies channel.
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The Greenhouse Effect can be defined as a natural process when certain gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation of the environment. Like a greenhouse keeps its inside temperature warmer,the greenhouse effect makes the planet warmer, The greenhouse effect is caused by greenhouse gases.The most important greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

20 thoughts on “Greenhouse Gases: Climate Change, Lines of Evidence: Chapter 3”

  1. It's not about climate data, because proving that there is long-term global warming for about 500 years since the Little Ice Age does not prove carbon dioxide caused it. And when it cools for 500 years starting later this century (as it did before the Little Ice Age) that cooling will not prove anything about carbon dioxide either.

    You cannot prove with correct physics that water vapor and carbon dioxide raise the surface temperature by most of "33 degrees" as claimed with fictitious physics such as in Pierrehumbert's book.

    The effect of a force field (such as in a vortex tube) is to create a temperature gradient radially. Gravity does the same, and that is the reason a planet's surface temperature is raised. Back radiation cannot raise the temperature above the effective temperature of that back radiation. On Earth the mean temperature of the back radiation is about 257K and that of direct solar radiation reaching the surface is about 233K. The back radiation wins, but cannot explain the surface temperature. You can't add them. Only the state of maximum entropy explains the observed surface temperature, and the best explanation of that physics is here* and in linked sites and papers.

    So, does any reader dare to try to set out in a comment on this blog* appropriate calculations (making some allowance for the fact that radiation is variable) supposedly explaining the mean surface temperature of Earth? There's a reward of over US $7,000 for the first to do so and leave me stumped for a correct refutation. Yes, I'm throwing down the gauntlet to ANYONE in the world to prove me wrong with valid physics.



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